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The next day, Minho didn't receive a letter in his locker like he had been used to for the past week and a half.

He didn't receive one for days, weeks even and he hadn't a clue how to reach his admirer. His admirer was very secretive, hence secret admirer, they hadn't left a trace of who they were. Minho couldn't just go up and ask the person why they stopped or why they started in the first place because he didn't know who it was. Or did he?

Laying in bed at night, when all his thoughts washed over him like a wave, he sometimes wondered if he already knew who the person was but just not that it was them writing him the letters. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen that same handwriting before somewhere, but couldn't place where.

The letters, no matter how short they were, always brightened his day. Knowing that someone cared about him that much and actually loved him, it made his darkest days fill with light. Yes, the letters weren't necessarily the happiest and were in reality quite sad, but Minho felt like he was getting to know this mysterious person better in every letter. He wanted to comfort this seemingly lonely person and give them all his love, but sadly he didn't know who it was. He looked forward to getting letters everyday, you could even say he took them for granted. So, when they stopped showing up without a clear warning, he was heart broken.

Can someone just forget their feelings that fast?

Was he that easily forgotten?

He wanted to respond to them, but he couldn't. Even if he could he probably wouldn't have contacted them anyway. Don't get him wrong, he very badly wanted to talk to and learn more about the secret person writing him the letters but... he was too shy...

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