night chill

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Am i being watched?.....I feel like i am, but am i really or is it my mind playing tricks on me?.....

 I moved around my bed to fine a spot i liked, but this annoying feeling kept coming back! 

"ugh! i had enough!" I got up and turned on the lights, nothing. I took a breath in and looked under the bed,Nothing. 

"Well Adalyssa, there you have it. Its nothing!" I said to myself, i got up from the floor and headed to my door. Its back...that feeling.. I turned around fast and my window was opened! A normal girl would call 9-1-1 but I'm far from normal, i headed for the window and looked out it. I saw no one, no one walking away or coming my way. I shrugged it off and closed the window.

"Psshh, people this days..wanting to be spider man climbing peoples window at night..." I turned off the light and went back to sleep, after that night i never had that nudging feeling. But there was one question that i always asked my self, "What was it, who was it is it even an "it"?"

~2 weeks later~ 

"Carlos I'm telling you, i'm being stalked! Why cant you believe me!" I yelled at Carlos, Carlos who was rubbing the back of hes head. Carlos was my best guy friend i could count on him with my life, but right this moment we were having a fight. "Adi, your 16 and your dad is the sheriff why would you be stalked? Lets not scream im right here not 2 blocks away." I walked to my window and looked out it, "THERE!" i pointed to a dark figure, Carlos rushed over "Adi... that's your cat" he sighted and walked to the coach, he turned on the tv and patted a spot next to him "Sit. Lets watch Adventure time" he said smiling.

He doesn't believe me... Ill show him! I walked over to my closet and pulled out some black skinny jeans with a black short as well, i picked my knee height converse. I changed into them and walked to my kitchen counter "Adi your missing the show!" Carlos yelled from the living room, i just ignored. I got a flash light and a kitchen knife, WHAT?! I'm paranoid from being stalked for 2 weeks! I'm taking cautions! "Carlos! Ill be right back call me in 30 minutes.. and if i don't answer call 9-1-1" Before he could answer i was out the door,heading to the forest were i had seen that person.


Okie! i hope that is was the story was good and not suckie. Leave some comments and watch the video, i dont know how the video works but If you can watch it tell me what you think about the video! MALK lol ok so thats all!


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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night chillTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang