Flu Shot

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Calum wakes up because Luke is tossing and turning. He opens his eyes and sits up, noticing you're also awake. He reaches for you across Luke's restless form, tapping your hand to catch your attention from where you're mindlessly scrolling on your phone. "How long have you been up?" He asks, grabbing Luke and pulling him towards his chest.

"About half an hour. Luke kicked me in his sleep," Calum sighs, petting Luke's wild curls.

"He feels a bit warm, do you think he might be sick?" You put your phone down, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead.

"We'll make him take his temperature when he's up. It makes sense though, he couldn't take a lot last night." Calum snorts and feels Luke tense against him. "What do we do if he is sick?"

Calum sighs, stroking Luke's tummy to try and coax him back to sleep. "I'll have to take him to promo. He'll have to act like he's not sick for our interviews today which will suck. Maybe you could put some makeup on him to make him look less like a zombie?"

Luke twists in Calum's hold, bleary blue eyes opening with a sniff of his nose. "Morning Bambi, you look like you're not feeling well." He sniffles again, throat feeling tight. Calum rubs Luke's stomach gently. "I'm gonna take your temperature okay, and we'll get some medicine in you." You get up from the bed, laughing at Luke's small whine fondly while sliding a robe over your exposed skin. He turns to Calum, digging his head into his chest. Calum can feel Luke's fever on his skin.

"Aw baby, I can feel your fever, you poor thing." Luke huffs and tries to relax against Calum. He wants to sleep again but knows he can't.

You return with the thermometer and some fever reducers. Calum helps Luke into a sitting position as you crawl onto the bed. Luke opens his mouth for the thermometer shutting his eyes as you watch it go up. It flashes red at you, and you sigh, pulling it from Luke's mouth. "You have a really high fever Luke," he suppresses a cough. "Come on, take these pills and then you need to take a cold shower."

Calum is the one who gets to take Luke to the shower since they both have to leave anyways. While they're both in the shower you make a pack for Calum. You pack it full of gatorade and saltine crackers along with a few medical masks and enough medicine to knock out a horse. You hear the water shut off and go back to the bedroom, putting the backpack next to Calum who is dressing Luke. You grab a hoodie and place it next to the backpack. He seems quite tired, letting Calum pick out his shirt before handing him off to you. You guide Luke to the bathroom, making him sit on the counter while you search for the foundation and concealer you had gotten for Luke. "This is to make you look healthy Bambi, I can give you some pretty eyeshadow too if you want."

"Just wanna look healthy." He conceals a cough into his sleeve. You nod, getting some primer out and rubbing it into his skin. Usually, Luke squirms when you do his makeup, but right now he slouches and lets his eyes close. You feel bad as he slumps over, exhaustion taking over his features.

"Calum!" You hiss, noticing that Luke is on the edge of passing out. He hurries in, sagging at Luke's form. "He can barely stay awake, how can he go out like this?" Calum sighs and rubs a hand over his face.

"I can try and call our management team but I doubt they'll let us go without our lead singer. For now, let's just put him back in bed." He hoists Luke up onto his hip and carries him back to bed. The blond is limp as he's tucked back under the warm covers. As you pack away Luke's makeup Calum leans against the counter and puts his phone to his ear. "Listen, I know we have an important string of interviews today but Luke is ill. Is there any way we can do this without him?" You watch Calum's brow furrow in frustration, "No I understand this is important but he can barely get up. He's running a high fever," Calum pushes a hand through his short silver hair, "I know that because I live with him."

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