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75 3 0

John Laurens

Wow this place fucking sucks.

Driving past the sidewalks in the big city, I look up at all of the beautifully designed and glistening buildings. They looked so delicate with shiny glass that if you poked it you would flinch to make sure it wasn't going to topple. The skies here are beautiful too. They swirl with orange and yellow streaks, lining the skies with beautiful color.

But- oh god. The traffic, the crowds. Not my thing, thank you very much. Instead of really paying attention to this crowd I'm gonna have to live here until dad probably gets a new promotion, I lay back in my seat and listen to Jack Stauber on blast because I'm that person.

With my leg shaking like shit, because I'm really fucking anxious, I sighed and try to calm myself down. I take a large gulp of water, which for some reason- calms me down. "Calm down on the water." My dad slightly chuckled. "I'd like to get to our house and not stop by another place just for water." He sighed, keeping his straining eyes on the traffic and crowded roads.

"Okay." I gulped, groaning. This is gonna be a long ride.

I laid in my new, bigger bed. I had already unpacked my things, so I was just getting accustomed to my new surroundings. We had a relatively big house- compared to our one in South Carolina. My room here was about the size of two of my bedrooms at home. It was ridiculous!

Dad gets paid a lot better since he's gotten a promotion. It's helping us a lot, but it's still not enough to stop all of the bickering and fighting in this house. It never stops, and probably never will, I guess.

I rolled over, scrolling through my new schools Instagram, looking at the pictures. I sighed. I mean, they seem to happy to be at this somewhat fancy school. I mean- it's not fancy? But it's of better quality than my one at home.

Well. That is- old home. This is home now. Not South Carolina.

I turn off my phone, getting up and out of my room so I can go get something to drink. I walked into the not at all familiar kitchen, and take some of the water dad had put in earlier. The fridge wasn't very full, after we had arrived at the house dad had gone on a short grocery trip and was gonna go get more tomorrow morning. Said he was tired of all the traveling and driving for a day.

I opened it, and took a big swig. I groaned with pleasure- my throat was dry from the hot air coming through. "Have you taken your pill yet?" My dad asked, taking a sip of his coffee and pushing up his glasses. My eyes widened slightly. "..Crap. Uh- no. Sorry. I'll do that now-" I scrambled for the cabinets, looking in each one to see where he's put my anxiety pills. I take lexapro and I have to take it once a day.

When I finally found it, my dad just made a soft 'tsk' and walked off into the living room. I took my pill, and looked back after him with a frown. Why can't we just have a conversation? I was just about to ask him something.

Not sure what about. Just- something.

I put my water back inside of the fridge, and walked over in the living room. I stood at the entrance, looking at my dad sitting on the sofa and watching tv.

"..Dad." I croaked out, my throat still kind of hurting from the hot air. He didn't hear me. "Dad." I spoke clearer, and he turned his head toward me, then turned down the volume. "Hm?"

"..I love you." I said to him, looking him in the eyes. He nodded, and looked back at the tv, turning the volume back up. "..." I didn't know what to say. I thought maybe he'd say it back. Oh, who am I kidding. When has he ever said it back? I went to go run up into my room, running up the stairs, but my mom called.

"John!" He called in her soft, gentle voice. I backtracked, and looked at her from the bottom step. "Yeah?"

"Are you hungry for anything?" She asked, looking at me with a soft smile, and was holding Mary (who of which was trying to eat my hair, and my mom was swatting her off), my youngest sister. "Oh- um.. maybe McDonalds-"

"Not damn McDonald's again! I'm tired of that bullshit." Dad yelled from his spot in the living room. My face flushed, and I looked down, ashamed. "Uh.. maybe he can pick." I said quietly, and my mother looked at me with a slight frown, nodding and gestures to me that I could go up to my room.

I nodded, and ran up the stairs, the wood creaking loudly and my feet pranced up them. I quickly opened the door and shut it, running to my bed and slamming my body on it. I sighed, wiping my eyes, as I laid there and stared at the ceiling fan.

Going round and round, and round, and round.

Interrupting my weird thoughts, I hear a banging on my door. "Jackie!" Ah. I know who that is. "What-" I call out lazily, turning and laying on my left shoulder. "..Wanna Mario Kart together?" I giggled, and got up. I opened the door, and, as I expected, it was Martha. I grinned at her, and nodded my head. "Yeah, I do." She grabbed my wrist, and dragged me- very quickly, might I add- to the WiiU. And, so on, we played Mario for a few hours and she beat me on rainbow road. Because I suck.

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