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John Laurens

On my first day of going to Townsend Harris, my dad decided to drive me on his way to work. I was really nervous. I made sure to take one extra Lexapro 
this morning, because, god knows I won't survive with just one.

Why am I so nervous? What's gonna happen once I get there? Am I gonna be murdered? Raped? Seduced? Bullied? Gah, this is terrifying.

I stared at the GPS in the car as we crawled closer and closer to the school. The closer we got, the more I began to sweat. My beige sweater was sticking to my body, and my tight, white, ripped jeans felt like were getting tighter.

Just to finish off my boring outfit, I shoved my hair in my usual ponytail and combat boots. I'm as boring as a 15-and-a-half-year-old could get.

Are my ears ringing? I think they are. Am I getting a headache? Probably. I'm freaking out my god-

And the car stopped. I was pulled out of my head and back into the real world, when my dad nudged me on the arm. I glanced out of the window: people everywhere. They were talking, dancing to what I'm guessing is TikTok songs, kissing, and- if I'm correct- vaping under their jackets.

I kissed my teeth at this shit show. Are- are you kidding me? I'm stuck with these people? And- god! Do they know how to shave? Damn, Chewbacca lookin' ass.

My dad unlocked the doors, and smiled at me. "Well, what're you waiting for? Go ahead!" Oop- he genuinely thought I was excited. Shows how much he doesn't really know about me. I sighed softly, grabbed my bag and sling it over my shoulder, then reluctantly get out of the car. My dad slowly drives away while I'm just standing on the sidewalk, immediately regretting my life choices.

I slowly turn around, and I look around at the mess in front of me. This school is so cliche. You've got your stoners, your populars, your nerds, your jocks, your neutrals, everyone. And you can immediately tell what clique they're in just by looking at them.

I hesitantly and slowly walked up the steps, occasional glances from those around me. Thankfully most of them were occupied doing other stuff. When I finally got to the doors, I went in and took out my school map.

I was instructed to go to the office so I could receive a tour from a fellow student, just like in the movies. Hope my tour guide is nice, and not some bitch.

I work my way around the school, taking a couple wrong turns every once in awhile, when I finally land outside of the office. I open the door, peering my head in, and the secretary looks up at me. I give her a nervous smile, and she looks at me with disinterest.

"What're you here for?" She drawled. "Ah- uhm, I'm here for a tour of the school.." I mumbled. She pointed over to her side, and following her directions I saw a tan kid with black hair pulled into a man bun reading his book. Unlike the other kids, I couldn't tell what clique he was in by looking at him. He was a curious subject.

He looked up at me as I approached, and gave me a big, toothy smile. He looked up at me with his bright blue-violet eyes, excitement visible in his expression.

"Hello! I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'll be showing you around the school today." He stood up, and I realized he was a bit shorter than me- not much though. Just by at least 2 or 3 inches.

"Hi- uh, thank you." I have him a small, nervous smile. I guess he could feel my terrified aura, because next he said, "it's alright, don't be scared. This place isn't all that terrible."

Well, at least he didn't lie and say it was the most perfect palace ever seen.

"What's your name, Mr. New Kid?" He asked, grinning. "Oh, yeah, uh- I'm John Laurens." I for some reason put out my hand, but thankfully he shakes it and it didn't end awkward.

"Well, shall we get on with this tour?" He bounced on the balls of his feet. I nodded, and so he led the way in front of me.

After a bit of showing me the classrooms, club rooms, and electives, he took me to the cafeteria.

"..and this is the cafeteria, as you can obviously see. We've got a pretty okay lunch, they're not perfect though." He shrugged. I took a moment to look around at the place.

It was quite spacey, and had lots of tables and benches. For a second I really worried about where I would sit later on.

"Welp, that's about the end of the tour! What do you think? Five or one stars on my performance?" He grinned. I took a moment to pretend to contemplate. "Hmm.. well, you did fart while talking earlier and that earned a good laugh out of me, and you tripped and fell on the stairs which also made me laugh, so.. five stars!" I chuckled. He smiled, and shook my hand again.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, John. Glad I got you to laugh." He glanced at the clock in the cafeteria. "Well, we ended at a pretty good time. I should be off to my class. Good luck today, John! Cya!" And he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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