part 3

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monster was sad

Monster only wanted to be friends with sugar

but not jack because jack was mean he hated jack and wanted to kill him so monster sneaked in the home and grabed sugar

he left jack and ran to his cave and sugar did not wake up

soon jack woke up and he walked outsid into grass

it was warm and he notice sugar gone

he call for her and run into Forrest agian and look for sugar

jack find cave and sneak into cave finding monster

he hated monster and wanted him to die

but monster was having fun with sugar and we're playing

"why you have sugar; monster ?!! ,,

jack yelle d and fist face monster

monster cry and run out of cave

sugar got said and mad at jack

"WHy YOU DO THAt!!!!,, she uell, running after monster and cry

jack felt dumb and cry and lay down

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