Face my Fears

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It's a short little story about facing a fear that's been conquering the main character Izzy's life. Can the boys fix this with the help of one of Izzy's family memebers?

Nick's pov

So me and Aaron were sitting in Izzy's house waiting for her and Zak to wake up so we can tell them we got 4 tickets to Fright Dome. So do you think they'll agree Aaron asked. Yeah if they can go ghost hunting then they can go through haunted houses that aren't even real I said. We heard talking and then Zak and Izzy appeared. Hey guys Izzy said yawning. Hey we said. What are you guys doing here Zak asked sitting down with Izzy sitting on his lap. We wanted to ask you two somthing I said. What Izzy asked. We got tickets for Fright Dome tonight and we wanted to know if you wanted to go Aaron said. Yeah Zak yelled but Izzy seemed fazed out. Izzy I said and Zak and Aaron looked at her. Iz Zak said. What she said. Do you want to go tonight he asked. Suddenly her phone started ringing and it scared all of us. Hold that thought Izzy said getting up and reaching for her phone. Hello she said. We couldn't tell what the other person in the phone was saying until Izzy started yelling. No way she screamed. Amber you did not just do what I think you did Izzy yelled into the phone. So tomorrow at 8 but your picking me up in 20 mintues to go shopping she squeled. Yeah yeah I'll be ready see you then Izzy said and hung up her phone. What Zak asked. Amber got us two fricken tickets and backstage passes to go see Three Days Grace Izzy said. Cool I said. She rushed down the hall and 15 minutes came back changed into clothes. So about tonight Aaron said. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you she said and a car horn beeped and she ran out of the house.

Izzy's pov

I ran out to Ambers car and got in. So you ready Amber asked as I buckled in. Yeah I'm ready I said and we headed to the graveyard.

Zak's pov

Somthing isn't right I said coming back from changing clothes. Yeah Izzy is never that hyper and she doesn't even like Three Days Grace Aaron said. Right Nick said. I grabbed my car keys and head out the door the others followed closing the door and we got into the car. We're following them Nick said. I nodded and started the car following Izzy and Amber. We followed them to a graveyard a few miles away. I parked my car so they couldn't see it. We followed Izzy and hide behind a tree next to the grave she was at. What's it read Nick I asked. Here lies then he gasped. What Aaron asked. Here lies Lina Rose Detrick August 3, 1972 to October 25, 2010 he read. That's Izzy's older sister Aaron said. Today's the 25 too Nick said. Shh they're talking I said.

Izzy's pov

I saw Zak's car following us and I smiled slightly. They get to meet my older sister I thought. We pulled up to the gaveyard and parked the car. Amber waited in the car and I walked to my sisters grave. I knew they were here but I didn't bother to say a word. I looked at the grave and a single tear fell. Lina I said. Hey Iz-Iz a voice said. I looked up and saw her for the first time in 2 years. Li I said. Hi baby sis Lina's ghost said. I miss you I said. I miss you too Izzy Lina said. Lina they asked today I said looking down. Who did Iz Lina said. Nick and Aaron they asked me to go there I said as tears welled up in my eyes. Izzy don't start crying. Your gonna make me cry even if I am a ghost Lina said. How am I not suppose to Li. You were killed there I said and I heard the boys gasp but Lina didn't catch it. Izzy dwelling on the past isn't going to help in the future Lina said. I know but I can't go back I said. Izzy you know that me and you didn't know that going to Fright Dome that night was going to make this happen Lina said. It should have been me instead of you I growled. Izzrahia Lily Detrick you don't think that way Lina said. How am I not suppose to Lina. If you didn't ride that ride you would still be here I said and tears spilled over and I looked away. Iz it was gods way of telling me it was time to go. You can't blame a broken seat belt that caused me to fall now can you Lina said as I wiped away tears. I guess not I said. That's my little Izzy Lina said. I smiled at her and she started to fade a little. It's time for me to go Izzy. Promise me you'll go tonight just stay away from the ride and I be with you the entire time tonight watching you okay Lina said. Okay I said. Lina walked over to me and I felt her kiss my forehead. Lina I said as she walked away. Yeah she said. Tell mom and dad I miss them and I love them I said. I will Izzybear, now I have to go I love you Lina said. Love you too Linabear I said and blew a kiss to her. I watches her catch it and place it to her heart and then she disappeared. You boys can come out now I said as happy tears slipped down my eyes. The boys walked out from behind the tree with sad expressions on there faces.

Zak's pov

We wathed Izzy look at the grave then start talking a single tear fell from her eye. Lina Izzy said. Hey Iz-Iz a voice said. We looked and saw a figure that looked like Izzy. She wore a white knee length dress. Li Izzy said. Hi baby sis The ghost Lina said. I miss you she said. I miss you too Izzy Lina said. Lina they asked today Izzy said looking down. Who did Iz Lina said. Nick and Aaron they asked me to go there she said as tears welled up in her eyes. Fright Dome Aaron mouthed. Izzy don't start crying. Your gonna make me cry even if I am a ghost Lina said. How am I not suppose to Li. You were killed there Izzy said and we gasped and Izzy seemed to catch it but Lina didn't. Izzy dwelling on the past isn't going to help in the future Lina said. I know but I can't go back there she said. Izzy you know that me and you didn't know that going to Fright Dome that night was going to make this happen Lina said. It should have been me instead of you Izzy growled and my mouth dropped and so did Nick and Aaron's. Izzrahia Lily Detrick you don't think that way Lina said. How am I not suppose to Lina. If you didn't ride that ride you would still be here Izzy said and tears spilled over and she looked away. Iz it was gods way of tell me it was time to go. You can't blame a broken seat belt that caused me to fall now can you Lina said as Izzy wiped away tears. I guess not she said. That's my little Izzy Lina said. She smiled at her and Lina started to fade a little. It's time for me to go Izzy. Promise me you'll go tonight just stay away from the ride and I be with you the entire time tonight watching you okay Lina said. Okay Izzy said. Lina walked over to her and I saw that Izzy felt her kiss her forehead. Lina Izzy said as she walked away. Yeah she said. Tell mom and dad I miss them and I love them she said. I will Izzybear, now I have to go I love you Lina said. Love you too Linabear Izzy said and blew a kiss to her. We watches Lina catch it and place it to her heart and then she disappeared. You boys can come out now she said as tears slipped down her eyes. We walked out from behind the tree with sad expressions on our faces. Izzy we didn't know Aaron said as I hugfed her. Its okay and know you know Izzy muttered hugging me back. Come let's go home I said picking Izzy up bridel style. Which ride did she die on Nick asked. Inverter she muttered. I wanted to ride inverter Aaron mubbled. How did she die I asked. The ride dangles upside down and the cable connecting the seat belt and strap broke and she fell. I watched her fall. She hit the ground and everyone around us heard a gruesome snap noise. I ran up the exit of the ride to see her neck snapped in half. She died instanly and I didn't realize that before we left was the last time she actually said she loved be in real life Izzy said and tears fell again. No more talking about this rigt know okay I said. The others nodded as we reached the entrance to the graveyard. I pulled my car keys out and tossed the to Nick somehow. Go get my car Nick and Aaron go tell Amber that we're taking Izzy home I said and they nodded.

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