My BDSM life ~♡~ ziam

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.My names Zayn Malik and i live the lifestyle of BDSM I know what some of you think yuck thats disgusting why... well ill tell you why because i like to be controlled and taken care off I just want to be loved and i love that when i have a dom they can take care of me and love me i dont mind being punished when im bad it sets me on the right path it's not like im being punished for no reson.The only thing thats wrong is that my family is harf Muslim and its not exacly good because i dont want to dishonor my family.

so when i told my family about my lifestyle choice my dad wouldn't talk to me for months and my mum went straight online to find somewhere to change my lifestyle but instead she came across a school that helps sub's become the best they can by giving them thier own dom and dorm and classes that will help so my mum called me down to sign up to the school thats new years starts in a month.

Zayn's pov ~ ♡ ~

"Zayn get down here now please"I heared my mum call i got up from my bed and walked down stars to the kitchen where my mum is sat at the table with her laptop open infront of her.

"yes mum" she turns around and nodded over to the chair to say 'sit down' with out telling me too i nod and sit down in the chair next to her.

I look at her laptop and see a site open a school for subs i smile and look at her

"Now Zayn i dont like the lifestyle you've chosen but your my only son and i love you and want to best for you and if this is what you want then I'll support you" I my says with and smile

I smile like a kid on Christmas Day and lep into my mums arms and give her the biggest hug ever

"thank mum thank you i really want this please thank you"I fell my mum nod on my sholder

"ok baby well lets sign you up"she said pull out the hug i nodded and we start the sign up questions like name and things so we filled it out

Name~Zayn Jawaad Malik

Date Of Birth~January 12 1993 (21)

Sub or Dom ~ Sub

My mm read out the next queston confused 

"greens ,yellows ,reds what's that mean"She said looking at me

"it's like thing's your ok with like I dont know what your ok with like spanking "I said looking doen and my mum looked a bit shooked but ten smiled 

"ok then im going to leave so you can read them down ok i dont need to know"She said with a little laugh then got up and left with one last smile.

OK I looked up diffrant kink's within the BDSM liftstyle and came across some that would be red like .


Being poked or standed by pins needles sharp objects 


Using fire or hot objects wilst having sex

Being buried alive

Sex(an till i feel conftibal with the my dom)

All the ones lised under red didnt seem fun and i woulnt want any place in being involded in them I keeped looking and thier wear a lot i wouldnt mind thies where called Yellows


Pet play

Roll play

Sex in public

Sex with more then one person and a time

Performing sexual act's with other sub's or dom's


Next where Greens all the things im happy with and didnt need to be asked about before they where done



Water sports

public humiliation


Breathing control or choking



Boot worship


Bathroom control

Chamber-pot use 

Cock and Ball torture

Cock worship


Any type of sex toys

Face slapping 

Fantasy rape(when confuted) 


Forced bed wetting

Forced masturbation 

Forced nudity

Forced servitude

Forced smoking


Give Away's (short turm)

Hair pulling






Nipple clamps 

Orgasm control

Outside senses


Phone sex



Skinny dipping

OK I know i its alot but i wont to make sure iv covered everthing i dont want anything to be a surise and i wasnt to be clear about it all.

After im done i call my mum back in scroling down a bit so she cant see anything

Thier where some other questions like fears, looks like hair colour,eye colour,Likes, hobbies, jobs

it took about one and a harf hour to finish and when we did we got a email 2 days later saying iv been in rolled and that i have a dom waiting. the rest of the month was filled with buying new things exsplaning to my friends that im going to a difrant school and I'll be back on weekends (maybe if my dom lets me ) of course i didnt tell them that i also bout new clothes a phone a laptop and just other things it was also filled with my dad not talking to me looking at me or evan being in the same room as me any time i went in and he was their he would walk out and do something else but finally the month was over and i was all packed and ready to start my new life at


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