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Oscar:' do you want to have another child?...'
Susie:' oh Oscar, that was it? Yes of course we can, don't let your anxiety get to you, Oscar'
Oscar:' really? Even though you just gave birth? Oh yeah, I forgot, you still have your stitches in, don't you, it was a stupid idea anyway'
Susie:' oh yeah, I forgot all about it, I can take them out with my healing powers * puts hand on tummy* there we go, all gone '
Oscar:' wow, you are so magical, Susie'
Susie:' and so are you Oscar, you saved my life and Lily's as well    *looks down at the sleeping baby in her arms* aww, she's gone to sleep'
Oscar:' I guess it's someone's bedtime, here I'll put her to bed
* Takes Lily from Susie's arms*
Lily:* cries*
Oscar:' oh no, I woke her up from her nap'
Lily:* vomits all over Oscar and on the couch*
Oscar:' yuck, eww, it's all over me *laughs*
Susie:*laughs* oh Lily, here I'll clean it up, poor you Oscar'
* Snaps fingers, and all is clean again and vomit-free*
Oscar:' thanks Susie * walks into Susie's bedroom and puts Lily to bed'
Oscar:* walks in*
Susie:' Oscar, to be really honest, I'm not ready yet to have another child, we just had Lily' and she's only newborn, we have to look after her until she's old enough and when we are ready to, but if you really want to, we can do in like eleven months' time if that's ok with you, Oscar'
Oscar:' sure, anything for you, I'm not really ready yet too.'
Narrator:' Oscar and Susie couldn't wait to get married, it was going to take place at the end of July, next time Oscar will be at the camp again, Sue(Oscar's mom) was shocked when Oscar told his mom, but with a lot of begging, not just from Oscar but the whole camp(when they heard what was going to happen, they thought that Susie and Oscar were the perfect couple) , Sue and Oscar's dad finally agreed on the wedding plan, they were invited to the wedding, everyone was on the island was too, but it had to be kept in secret. That was the deal, if Oscar got married to Susie, it had to be a secret.
*Wedding day*
Oscar:' Omg, I'm so nervous, this is actually gonna happen, ok gotta keep calm'
Hedgehog:' you ok Oscar? Don't worry, everything will be ok'
Oscar:' thanks Hedgehog'
*At church*
Narrator: Oscar was waiting at the altar, when the ceremony began, Oscar was so nervous, he was practically wetting himself with the nerves, but he was also excited. When the orchestra began to play, the wedding began to take place. When the double doors opened, Susie walked in, beautiful as ever. Oscar's jaw dropped when he saw Susie walking up the isle, accompanied by Puddles and King Alien as flower girls, they were skipping and throwing petals all over the place. Alice and Betsy were at the back, holding up the end of her dress. As for Susie, she has long, pink, curly hair, some of it was pinned at the back, fastened with a jewelled pattern lily clip. On her neck, she wore a heavily-jewelled necklace, where it shone on all angles from the sunlight seeping in through the stained-glass windows. But her dress was the most extraordinary appearance, she wore the most beautiful dress ever embroidered with diamonds. The dress reached down to her ankles and had a long tail at the back, where Alice and Betsy were holding it at the ends of it. Her shoes were high heels, studded with diamonds, which glinted in the sunlight. The sleeves on her dress were short, she wore white lace gloves, made with the finest silk that came past her elbows. The boutique of flowers she was holding were lilies, fresh from the garden, tied together with a white satin ribbon. Everyone's jaw in the church dropped as they layed their eyes on her, Oscar's parents gasped when they saw her walking down the isle towards Oscar, who was waiting for her. Susie's heart beat fast when she was walking up the isle, she was aware of  the attention she was getting when everyone's eyes were glued to her. When Susie made it to the altar, the priest began his speech (the priest was Howard).
Priest(Howard):' Susie, do you take Oscar to be your loving husband, in sickness and in heath, rich or poor?'
Susie:' I do'
Priest:' And do you, Oscar take Susie to be your loving wife, in sickness and in health, rich or poor?'
Oscar:' I do-
Priest:' you may now kiss the bride'
Narrator:' Oscar lifted up Susie, despite her bumb, being very careful, kissed Susie. Everyone clapped, Oscar's parents were actually crying with joy, Lily giggles in Hedgehog's arms. Oscar carried Susie down the isle.

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