Chapter I: Society

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{ Welcome to the story everyone. For those who are new, this is a revamp of the original Unnatural Disasters which is no longer published. For those who are veterans of my stories, welcome back, dorks. I came up with the TWDG Mutant AU, but my original story is no longer up. I usually post a drawing above for each chapter that correlates in some way, so if you like art then fuck yeah. I also post other drawings on my Instagram: ObsidianAbduction. Anyhow, let's get into the story! }

The world as we have created is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

One thing the survivalist woman has realized over the years is that once society has its cumulative mind set on a certain topic, it is very hard to shift the way of thinking. You have to fit into society's norm and if you don't? You are an outcast of some sort.

A flaw.

People are supposed to keep their heads down and stay in line or else all hell breaks loose. People despise in others what they deem as wrong or unnatural.

Those who fit into the lesser category have to deal with the punishments and shunning of the 'higher' individuals. That leaves the flawed a couple options.

Running away, or hiding their true self.

The first option seems better than having to deal with the guilt and pressure that you aren't the person people see you as. You have to lie and hide or else terrible, sickening things are brought down upon the person at 'fault'.

Therefore, the survivalist and borderline apocolyptic lifestyle is more favorable to those who have to hide. It's an animalistic way of living. A type of kill or be killed scenerio, but that's their lives at this point. It's gotten to the point where seeing modern life to them is bizarre. It's almost like starting over from scratch and living off the bare necessities.

It's a brutal way of life, but they make the best of it no matter how much they get dragged down.


"Are we there yet?" The young boy whined to his protector who sent a soft glare his way.

The female rubbed her right eye and grumbled slightly, "No, AJ, we aren't even close."

AJ didn't seem to like her answer. "Clem, my shoes are gonna break." He continued complaining to his guardian, Clementine.

Clementine gently ruffled his frizzy little afro with a shake of her head, "I wish I had the power to magically fix your shoes, but I don't. I can only tie them." Clementine winked at the young boy, knowing he loved it when she could tie his shoelaces with the flick of her wrist. That was something that could entertain him for hours on end.

It's been almost three years since the almond skinned female discovered her power of telepathy. Some would view it as a gift, but it was her own curse. It burdened her. If she would have never discovered it, maybe she could have had a better life.

On the contrary, she almost felt at peace being alone. Well, until she met AJ. She almost became a mother for this child, and she wasn't complaining. She loved him as her own, even if they weren't blood related. They were brought into this world, destined to meet each other and the two of them never doubted that. Any separation made them anxious, so they mostly stayed within a couple yards of one another.

Clementine wasn't too sure what power AJ had. She couldn't bunch it in with earth or water. So far, he has aquired aquatic powers over the two years they have been together. Everytime Clementine thinks she has AJ figured out, something new pops up.

Clementine found the young boy around the age of sixteen. She had already been on the road for about a quarter of a year before finding him near a ranch that was the victim of a brual massacre. However, it turned out the people in the ranch who were barely recognizable were not the victims. AJ was. He had a meltdown of some sort and fought his way out in furious self defense.

AJ hasn't opened up about that situation fully, but over time he has gotten more comfortable. As of now the two of them have been family for a little over two years now. Clementine thinks she's probably eighteen, which would make AJ twelve or thirteen by default.

Sometimes the two of them would have to go into a nearby town and get supplies. 'Getting' supplies meant theft since they didn't have any money to buy anything like a normal person would. They didn't necessary enjoy doing things like that, but there was also an adreneline rush that comes along with it. Something about it makes them feel amazing. It was almost like getting back at society because people would have seen them as monsters if they let their true selves show.

Clementine cleared her throat, "We will get you some new shoes soon, alright? We can get you some badass ones."

"Flames on the side?!" AJ exclaimed, clearly excited over the idea of getting new sneakers.

Clementine couldn't help but chuckle over AJ's excitement about shoes with decaled flames on them. "Sure goofball, if we can find some."

The boy pumped his fist in the air over her not giving him a definite 'no'. However, he was still not excited about having to walk the distance that they have been for over a day now. Clementine took note of this and knew they would have to stop somewhere soon. Clementine didn't like having to stop and rest because she always pushed herself to the point of brutal exhaustion. Her father figure told her to never stop moving, but she's had to change her ways over the years.

After another fourty-five or so minutes, Clementine decided to find a place to stop. AJ's breathing was getting heavy and his eyes were drooping.

"Need me to carry you?" Clementine offered, but was waved off by the boy. He didn't want to exhaust her too and he still had some energy in him. "Alright, well up here we can set up camp."

"Is it safe...?" AJ questioned, hating sleeping in the woods.

Clementine glanced around, scanning the area around them. "Should be. If not, we know what to do."

AJ grinned, clenching his fists together, "Fuck yeah."

"AJ." Clementine scolded, but was holding back laughter. He mumbled an apology, but couldn't help but giggle. "Remember that you wait for my signal to try anything, am I clear?" Clementine cocked an eyebrow, always having to remind him to follow her lead.

"Crystal, ma'am."

"Oh god, please don't call me ma'am." Clementine scrunched up her nose as she lazy vaulted over a fallen tree trunk. She turned and helped AJ clear the obstruction in their way.

The two mutants decided to take a couple hours to rest and eat some of the scarce food they had from their last haul. They were trying to find some place safe for the two of them, but also not really knowing where they were going. Clementine made it seem like she had a destination or stopping point for them, but she didn't.

She just continued teaching him and hoping that her insecurities and confusion wouldn't shine through so he would never notice.

{ Well  this is already a different start than the old UD, but I like it so far. I'm rusty though because I haven't written anything in a hella long time. I hope you guys enjoy it none the less. }

Unnatural Disasters // A Violentine Mutant AUWhere stories live. Discover now