Chapter II: Independent

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{ I made some cover art for the book and I love it so much. It took a hella long time (8 hours) but it was worth it :) }

Being able to depend on someone doesn't mean you're dependent on them.

Clementine used to have to depend on others around her for a majority of her youth. She lived a modern life up until the incident. Her foster family helped her get around and helped guide her into adolescence. Clementine once thought that you always needed someone to depend on or else you will inevitably fail at whatever task you want to accomplish in life. However, she's realized none of that is true.

Sure, everyone needs people but she realized that after meeting AJ that you don't need to be fully dependant on someone.

Clementine was one hundred percent AJ's protector and guide, but at the same time he didn't fully need her. He's very capable and has learned enough from Clementine to fend for himself.

In the end, they always end up sticking together. It's safer with a small group than by one's self even though it's very difficult to let people in.

After Clementine left on her journey at the age of 16 she grew very cold. She didn't see a point in having anyone in her life. She was blinded by pure resentment and rage, along with guilt. But something clicked when she saw the young African American boy in a state of panic and trauma.

Since that day she has changed some of her thoughts and ways of living to help mold her into someone worth being alive. Clementine mostly ran from her past instead of facing it, but now she doesn't do that. She hopes to pass on her knowledge to other outcasts like herself.


Clementine woke up to AJ snuggled in his sleeping bag next to her. She was even surprised she slept at all given the fact that she usually stayed up to make sure AJ wasn't in any kind of danger. It seemed her exhaustion got the better of her this time, but luckily everything seemed normal and calm aside from some buck glaring at the two from a safe distance.

Clementine felt some pain in her back from leaning up against a tree trunk. Therefore, the female decided to patrol the area around them to find a direction that seemed fit to walk towards. Clementine was on the lookout for trails, signs, lights, whatever came into her field of vision that seemed like a logical path.

The searching girl still kept close to her companion because she didn't want anything to happen especially since he was sleeping which made him very vulnerable.

Something about the wilderness made Clementine calmer as a person. There's a strong irony in that since the woods would make normal people paranoid or on edge. Clementine knew she was strong even without her powers, so protecting herself was hardly an issue.

She was thinking about how it would be if her and AJ had a place of their own that was essentially of the grid. It would be way better than walking constantly and then they could establish a smooth system of surviving.

AJ wasn't a big fan of being on the run all the time, but Clementine didn't fancy staying in one place for a prolonged period of time. Compromise was a must between the two of them, even if it resulted in minor arguing.

The eighteen year old stepped over a fallen tree branch, leaves crunching as her boot connected with the damp earth. Clementine softly fidgeted with her knife holster to make sure she didn't leave it back with AJ. Luckily, she felt the leather handle connect with her finger tips before letting her arm fall back to it's hanging position.

After a couple more yards of searching she decided it was time to turn back. That was until she felt the weight from her hip vanish, followed by a cold stainless steel blade pressed to her jugular.

Many thoughts rushed through her head at that moment, but she remained calm. Clementine reached her hand up to grip the forearm of her captor. Judging by the muscle, it was a male.

"Lovely weather, huh?" Clementine sneered, obviously annoyed about the situation she was in.

She received a hushed chuckle accompanied by, "Funny."

Clementine dared not to look back at the person she was being held by because she didn't know his motives. "Can I ask why you took my knife?"

"You were armed."

Clementine wanted to facepalm at that exact moment, "Uh huh, yeah it's called a knife."

"Listen, I don't know you and you've been walking through these woods for the past couple days." The boy frowned, not liking the fact that sass edged her words.

"You've been watching us then." Clementine huffed out, not knowing how much he knew.

Surprisingly the man let her go and allowed her to turn towards him. He slid his fingers down the blade before handing it back to Clementine. She was more than shocked. This random guy didn't even seem scared of her in the slightest. Clementine took the knife back and sheathed it after some hesitation.

The man cleared his throat before speaking, "James. That's uh, my name. Why are you and the kid wandering in the woods?"

Clementine crossed her arms over her chest and squinted at him. "You come and threaten me and then wanna know my life story?"

James shook his head, "You weren't threatened. You didn't even tense up." James cocked his head. "Do you need help finding a way out of here?"

Clementine looked around her. "I don't feel comfortable with you taking-"

"I won't be going with you. I have to stay.. near.. here." James seemed like he was covering something up, but Clementine didn't wanna question him. "There's a trail two miles northeast of here. It leads to a town where you and the boy should be safe."

Clementine cocked an eyebrow, "Safe?"

James glanced back to where he was. "I know the difference from hikers and people running from something. My guess is the second, so just head northeast." James flashed her a faint smile before turning to leave her be.

"Clementine." She stated, reluctantly, which caused him to glance back at her. "That's my name."

James nodded softly, "Good luck." He turned back and continued through the woods and Clementine watched until he was out of sight.

She was a little on edge from that encounter, but the guy seemed harmless even though he held a knife to her throat. She figured he had no intent of using it, he just wanted to see if she was any kind of threat. Which at that moment she wasn't.

Clementine decided it would be best to get back to AJ to go see if she could find the trail James told her about. It would be best to get walking by at least late morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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