The Garden

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6,000 years ago-
In the beginning of the creation of earth an angel and a demon who were watching adam and eve go off on there own, were talking about the forces of good and evil. The demon making small jokes to amuse the angel and the angel trying not to interact with the demon and his jokes. Although they thought they were alone,a small angel down in the garden was watching them, she was tan with long black hair,with small angel wings and wearing a long white touga. Out of no where God started to speak with her, she spoke "Now hazel i want you to watch over them" Hazel studdered for a sec then said "Yes my lord" God vanished as hazel watched the angel shield the demon from the rain, Hazel simply walked under a tree to avoid the rain. She watched the angel and the demon wondering how she was going to watch both of them....

1 day ago-
"COME UP WITH SOMETHING O-or" he looks at the sword,crowley staring at it as well "...or ill never talk to you again..." Aziraphale didn't know what he was saying but it did work crowley had stopped time then reappeared. adam did what he thought he must do telling his father off and protecting earth. Hazel who was sitting near one of the buildings was watching them and writing quickly in her journal hoping she wouldn't have to miracle them to safety. She watched in fear of being spotted as satan vanished away hazel then wrote something else in her little journal as she continued watching the angel and the demon. Adams "real" father appeared in a small car that was just cleaned, as he stepped out of the car. Everyone except aziraphale,crowley, hazel and adam were a bit confused on what had happend. Adams father asked everyone what was going on here, Adam just seemed to smile as he knew who his real father was. Aziraphale was confused on what adam was now so he ask crowley and the serpent explained that he was a normal human. Hazel listened to the angel and demons conversation writing it down as well. Hazel then snaped her fingers to appear outside a church she sat down on a nearby bench reviewing all her notes in her small journal then sighed as she was trying to processes what had happened tonight. then just as the sun was almost gone she started to sense Aziraphale and crowley coming here on a bus. She quickly closed her journal and hid behind a bush waiting. Aziraphale sad down slouching a bit but then fixed his posture crowley sat down with a bottle in his hand crossing his legs slightly.Hazel could tell they have had quite a long day. She then leaned on the church wall doodling in her journal listening to the angel and demon as well . She listened to them talk for a while untill the bus came again she watched as they both got on the bus, she sighed "now i just have to choose who" she said

present day -
Today was "that" day and hazel went around soho looking for crowley's car when she found it she saw it had a couple things wrong in the car so she miracled the other items that were missing in the car and looked all around it making sure everything was perfect. Then she saw "crowley" walk down the street she quickly ducked down near the car trying not to be seen she watched "crowley" as he smiled at the car and called for a cab when he was gone she smiled and walked to Aziraphale's bookshop. She stood near the bookshop watching "Aziraphale" from the window. He was touching some of the books and looking all around making sure everything was in shape when he noticed something odd. "Thats new" he said as he turned around making his way to the door, hazel stood near the building pretending to doodle in her book as "Aziraphale" locked the bookshop and passed her. She watched him as he was heading down the sidewalk and came up the to the bookshop unlocking it making sure no one saw her. She entered the shop and walked around just checking to make sure everything was in proper condition ,which it was. she left the shop locking it and walking to st.james park. when she arrived she sat on a bench and tried to draw the ducks on the pond. She realizes she is early but then sensed them she saw as Aziraphale and Crowley pass her trying not to look suspicious. They both go up to a ice cream stand "crowley" handing "Aziraphale" a small vanilla ice cream with cinnamon on it and "crowley" grabbing a small red popsicle. Hazel started to get nervous and reported back to heaven. She appeared in a bright hallway and started to walk up to where she saw gabriel and the others. She started to fiddle with her necklace as she watched them bring "Aziraphle" in. He was squirming around and was set into a chair. He calmed down as they tied his hands down onto the chair. He was looking around the place and squinting because of how bright the room was. Hazel stood there wanting to free him but she couldn't interfere this time for she knew that if she did then this plan would go very wrong and end up with herself getting killed. She watched as gabriel talked in a sweet tone. finally one of the angels had untied him. He stood up rubbing his wrist and stared at the fire in front of him trying to act nervous "may we meet again?" he says voice cracking a bit "shut your mouth aannd die already" gabriel says roughly faking a smile,"aziraphale" frowns as he looks at the fire gulping then steps into it. Hazel looks down almost crying but keeps it together.She looks up seeing "aziraphale" breathing and cracking his neck then spiting flames and vanishing. Hazel smiles and heads down the hallway then vanishes. she appears in a building wearing a big coat to blend in with the other humans since it was fall and fall is usually chilly. she walks out of the building looking around she sees "Aziraphale" sitting on a bench, not in a proper way though.hazel sits on another bench close by watching and taking notes of what had happend. she spots "crowley" walking up to the bench "aziraphale" is on and sits properly next to him. She watches them not able to hear them as well then looks down at her book taking before she knew it she looked up to see Aziraphale and Crowley in there respective bodies. She smiles and gets up walking to Aziraphales bookshop to wait. She figures that today will be a good day to do something she has wanted to do for centuries. She waits near another building.she sees crowley drop off aziraphale they both say there goodbyes as aziraphale enters his bookshop alone.Hazel waits for crowley to leave as he blasts his Queen soundtrack from the car and drive off. Hazel watches for cars as she crosses the road it began to rain a small bit. Hazel knocks on the door. "Were closed!" aziraphale yelled. She knocked again. Aziraphale a little annoyed walks over to open the door but before he could say anything he was interrupted. "sir, please allow me in I would like to speak with you" hazel spoke, Aziraphale a little shocked at the appearance of hazel thought to himself ,what would a human child need to talk to me for? He allows hazel to enter "you poor thing what are you doing out in the rain like that? where are your parents?" Hazel seemed confused as to what h she rubbed her hands together from the cold air "parents?" hazel responded "yes, here let me take ur coat and you go sit down in that chair" he said pointing to a small chair in the corner of the room,hazel did as she was told and sat in the chair "now do you know ur parents number?" Aziraphale asks politely,hazel realizing why he thinks she is a human child responds "sir I do not have parents" aziraphale gives a confused look "oh I was not introduced how rude of me" she explains "Im hazel... I-I am your guardian angel" Aziraphale's eyes widen showing how bright and blue they are. "M-My my what!?" He studders.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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