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I laid in bed with my laptop beside me opened up. All summer I've done nothing but watch Netflix in my room, or watch Netflix at Jeongin's. There were a few days I went out with Yuna to keep her company while she ran errands.

I could feel my eyelids grow heavy, but I did everything in my power to keep them open. I stretched every few minutes, patted my face, I even kicked my blankets off. Nothing seemed to work. They grew more and more heavier the more I tried to fight it. I gave in and let my eyelids close. I was seconds away from being dead asleep when I heard a bang on my door that scared me. I sat up quickly to see Minho standing in my door way laughing his ass off.

"Were you sleeping?" He turned my light on and plopped himself on the foot of my bed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I quickly rubbed my eyes, throwing my hands down and glaring at him.

"I missed Berry." He replied.

"You missed Berry, so you came over here?" He gave me a look as if I was stupid. "Whatever." I laid back down, rewinding my show on my laptop to the scene I last remembered before falling asleep.

"What are you watching?"

Minho scooted himself up next to me. I turned to see the curious boy leaning closer towards my laptop as he watched a bit of the scene.


"What's it about?"

I sat back up and grabbed my laptop, lifting it up so I can move to the side of the bed. I placed my laptop in between Minho and I, more towards the center of my bed. "These people died and were brought back to life, except they look different because they look like their soul. But basically they're trying to find the guy who killed her." I pointed to one of the main characters that showed on the screen.

Eventually, Minho and I had watched about three episodes together, each episode being a little over an hour long. The only reason we had to pause the show was because my phone started ringing.

I picked it up to see "Binnie wants to FacetTime..." on my screen. I quickly accepted the call and waited for it to connect. As soon as it did, I was greeted by a sweaty and exhausted Changbin.

"Hi Princess," he greeted.

"Hi Baby." I gave him a huge smile. "Why are you so sweaty and gross?"

He rolled his eyes at me and groaned. "I just finished working out. I just wanted to call you before I head back to the room and shower. What have you been up to?"

"Nothing really. Just watch Netflix shows all day." I angled my body so that Minho could be in the frame. "Minho's here, say hi!"

Minho waved at my phone. Changbin waved back hesitantly. "Wait, why is Minho there?"

"Apparently he missed Berry." I glared over at Minho who gave us a cheesy smile. "But I have no idea why he really came. But he's been watching my Netflix show with me for a while."

Changbin just hummed and nodded his head. "Okay, well I'll let you go. I'm headed back to the room now. Bye."

Before I could even say bye back, the called ended.

"He's pissed." Minho stated. "I guess that's my cue to leave."

He started to get up from my bed and I grabbed his arm. "No, you don't have to go. I don't know why he'd be pissed anyway. Let's at least finish this episode."

Minho did his rapid blinking before laying back down and getting comfy again. I pressed play on the screen and began to watch the episode. A few minutes in, my phone buzzed. I checked to see who it was.

binnie: how long has he been there?
me: just a few episodes
binnie: ok
me: don't start this shit.
binnie: he's in your room.
me: okay? my parents know? it's not like i'm messing around with him?
binnie: how would i know?
me: changbin. really? minho is both of our friend and we both know he wouldn't try to do shit. and you should know for damn sure i wouldn't either.
binnie: ok

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone down, focusing on the episode once again.

"Changbin?" Minho asked, eyes still locked on my laptop screen. I hummed. "He's pissed because I'm here isn't he."

"He gets pissed at everything." I stated. "He's been gone for two months and he's always pissed about something. All I hear from him is how pissed he is at the manager or the boys, or it's nothing but attitude towards me because he'll be pissed at me."

Minho reached over to my laptop and paused the show. "Have you talked to him about that?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I've tried but we end up fighting."

"Chaise, that's not good."

I looked down at my blanket and played with it. "I just want him to come home. Maybe then things will be better and be how they used to be."

I heard Minho let out a sympathetic sigh. "Distance is tough, especially when you're so used to seeing them 24/7. I know you love Changbin, and I know he loves you. You guys can work this out. But if things start getting more ugly, if he keeps arguing with you every time you talk to him, you might want to think about the relationship. But I'm pretty sure you two can work it all out."

I looked up at him and smiled. "You don't have to try to say encouraging words just because I'm letting you watch my show with me."

Minho rolled his eyes and pushed my head with his hand. "Ya! Brat, listen to me. I've know Changbin for years. I've seen him in many, many, many relationships, but I have never seen him love someone as much as he loves you. The boy is smiling in public now! You broke the dark boy." I busted out into a small fit of laughter. "But even though he loves you so much, you still have to be careful. If something bad happens to him, he could turn back into the dark Changbin you met and shut down on you. Or if something were to happen between you guys, he could be a real dick to you depending on how bad the situation is."

I nodded my head as he talked, understanding everything he was saying. He was right. Changbin could shut back down in a blink of an eye if something doesn't go well.

"I don't mean to scare you," Minho began. "I just want you be aware of the possible things that could happen."

I gave him a faint smile, nodding my head again. "Thank you." I turned my attention back to my laptop and pressed play. "Let finish this episode so we can talk about it and be mind fucked from all the surprised that could be thrown at us." Minho chuckled and turned his focused back to the screen.

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