2: Toxic Choices

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The banner above represents Leia, the main character. Enjoy. 

I didn't see Hades again, not for some time. He went to a wedding if one of the daughters of Dionysius, and I saw him across the room. He didn't say hello but he waved bashfully at me. My parents were both infuriated and delighted that I had made a deal with Hades. Mostly, they were relieved. They were so concerned he would seduce me and condemn me to a life in the underworld. I had other concerns. I had dreams every night about Hades, very vivid dreams. He may have given me a pass, but I felt a connection. I had never actually had feelings for a boy or man, so I wasn't sure what this was. Genesis told me it was a crush, an infatuation. She claimed it would pass. I distracted myself with school and on the weekend, frat guys.

I had spent the night with one of the Phi Delta Beta men. He had blue sheets and I woke up to the smell of his old spice scent. He rolled over and kissed me. Smiling as he did. He didn't know I had fucked three of his brothers, and they wouldn't tell. I kissed him back and smiled.

"Good morning Leia," he whispered.

"Good morning Brad," I whispered.

"Not my name," he chuckled.




"It has three syllables..."


"How many men are you sleeping with?"

"You don't want to know," I said. "But Goddesses are impervious to transmitting or contracting STDs, so no worries. I have really good birth control too."

"Goddess," he said. "Is that a joke?"

I shook my head.

"You didn't know," I said. "Why did you sleep with me?"

"Because you're gorgeous," he swooned. "Are you really a Goddess?"

I snapped my fingers and a plate of bacon and eggs appeared.

"I love you," he cried out, forking bacon into his mouth. It did not take much to please a frat guy. Which is why they were perfect for me. I needed very little. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out.

David: Meetup today? Three o'clock.

I sighed, shaking my head. I could not keep meeting David behind Chelsea's back. Casual sex was only fun if no one got hurt. Chelsea would be hurt when it inevitably came out.

Leia: What about Chelsea?

David: If I broke up with her, would you date me?

Leia: I do NOT date.

David: then why do you care?

Leia: It's dishonest.

"Hey, Leia," three syllable guy said. "Want to go to a bonfire tonight?"

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