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Abner should have been the elected Sheriff by  now. He wasn't. The good man's downfall happened several years into his career during the infamous Arsonist case. Emmet Boyd was the criminal's Christian name, but by now he was only known in Silver County as The Arsonist. Perhaps out of spite or jealousy, the demon set fire to his home one night while his family slept inside. All perished from the smoke the coroner said. Asphyxiation takes several minutes.

Once his black work was done, the Arsonist placed his incriminating tools in the trunk of his car and just stood there until the fire trucks and ambulances came. The fire took several hours to put down, and in the end nothing could be saved. Abner was the first cop to arrive. The Arsonist just stood there rubbing his jaw, hardly covering the grin behind his hand. It started as a non-criminal inquiry but soon developed into formal custody. In an irrational choice he would regret for decades, Abner simply popped the trunk of the car without a warrant. All the tools of the murders were inside, and as soon as they were lit up by Abner's flashlight, they were as good as destroyed. The illegal search cost the District Attorney the entire case. Ever since, the Arsonist strutted around Silver with his knowing smirk. He especially grinned at Abner.

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