I've been his Lost Girl longer than you've known.

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"I've missed you so much Peter!" I hugged him, so so tight. 

 "Same," he chuckled hugging back. 

 The Peter Pan I know isn't the Pan the boys are terrified of... 

 Alexis, Alex, Lex, Lexi, sis. Whatever you get to call her. She was close, very close, to Peter Pan a little over two years ago. 

Only, she didn't know his name was Peter Pan. She only knew him as Peter. 

She met him 4 ish months before her brother got taken. She was close to her brother. He was the only one she trusted besides Peter. After her brother disappeared the only person she talked to was Peter. He kept her sane. Her brother was gone and she only has Peter. 

 Peter had a problem though. 

He had to go to Neverland. The whole time he has been friends with Lex he would say it was a business trip that he had to go on with his parents. He would be gone from a week to a month. 

But he had to go back to Neverland for a few years. 

He figured out that he would tell Lex he had to move. He didn't want too, but he had to go home. 

 A few months before he left the two noticed the romantic tension. The were looking at the stars, something the two both loved, when Peter suddenly confessed. 

For the first time Peter Pan was embarrassed for real. 

He was trying to say stuff like that he knows she doesn't like him like that and she isn't being pressured. She stopped him with a kiss. 

She confessed to him only moments after. 

 So a year after he leaves when she was wandering around in the dark, a shadow with bright eyes comes to her. 

It told her something interesting. 

 Hello Lost Girl. 

 It takes her to Neverland. 

 Only she recognized two voices and two faces. 

 Her brother and... 

 Peter Pan.

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