Green Emotions

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Though be I not whom maketh thee cry
Your tears I promise to always wipe dry
I may not be a king
Neither have I a kingdom
Shall I not make you my queen
And together we build a Queendom?
Come with me now
Won't you remain with me forever;

Loyal would I stay, all the while we hold hands
Against kin-skinned intruders
Firm on our grounds
All be repelled, come what may invaders
For our hearts be our land, upon horizons we expand
Come with me now
Stay with us forever;

Beget we would, princes and princesses
Many as you want
Together we would grow old, un-rackety, un-rickety
As we merge into one
Come, come with me now
Be mine forever;

Be with me, found you another?
Is he fair, that I'm dark
Fair I, that he is dark?
I or not, is it hard to say
Decide ye, albeit not in haste
Happy I am to know now or much later
Patience! Patience!
In patience I wait, even if forever;

An offer to thee everything of me
Yet a demand where from, nothing much of ye
Else for a show of affection
However little, a touch of compassion
Come hold hands with me
Just you and I forever.

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