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~Thursday 5th January 2017~

11:36 am

Dark grey clouds rumble, rolling over each other like a black shadow, coating the Chicago streets. Harry watches the skies from inside the hotel lobby, as a fork of lightning cracks it's way into view, splitting the sky in half with it's illumination. He looks out at all the people outside, scurrying about, under massive umbrellas or wrapped in thick coats, braving the harsh rain, as it tumbles down onto them. He smiles, feeling lucky that he isn't caught in the torrential weather right now, before glancing down at his phone. His empty inbox glares back at him and he wonders why Milo still hasn't returned his texts from the last few days. Harry ponders over his sudden absence for a moment, before shaking his head, probably over-thinking once again.
He turns, forgetting the clouds that had distracted him in the first place and makes his way towards the kitchen, with two used plates carefully balanced in his palm - the real reason why he came downstairs. As he walks, moving across the stained carpet, the smartly-dressed figure moving towards him catches his eye.

Louis winks as he makes his way towards Harry, where he stands outside of the kitchen door, confused as to why Louis has left Room 197. Louis looks around the empty lobby, as he finally reaches his secret lover, making sure that he is not raising suspicion.
"Can I speak to you for a moment, Mr Styles?" He says formally, grinning at a random employee as they pass by the two men. Harry smiles too, recognising the playful glint in Louis' eye, so he nods and pushes the kitchen door open with his free hand, opening it wide for Louis to step through, before he follows.

"Oh, hey Dara." Harry calls, as his colleague smiles up at him from across the room. She eyes Louis slowly, but ignores him and continues with her work. Louis stays awkwardly silent as Harry places the dirty plates by the sink and moves over to the fridge to grab a bottle of orange juice that Louis had requested an hour ago. Harry remains quiet too, busying himself until Dara finally exits the kitchen, smiling as she goes.
Harry rushes to lock the kitchen door behind her, doing so as quietly as possible. And as soon as the audible click of the lock is heard, hands are on Harry's waist, turning him around. Louis leans into Harry, who carefully drops the bottle of juice on the floor, his hands finding Louis' neck, bringing his face closer to kiss him hard.

"You took far too long." Louis starts, breaking away, twisting his fingers into the back of Harry's knotty hair. "I got impatient." he laughs as he speaks, placing one palm against Harry's cheek, as if he is holding the most precious jewel in any museum.
"So, you got dressed just to come down here and talk to me in the kitchen? Not very sanitary." Harry asks, laughing himself, and Louis just nods, leaning in further, reaching up on his tiptoes to find Harry's ear with his lips, whispering tentatively.
"I needed my early morning fix of 'Harry'." His voice is barely a mumble, but it vibrates inside Harry's head, and he smirks, as Louis backs away once more. Harry shakes his head disapprovingly, but Louis can tell that he is joking, from the massive smile painted across his pink lips.

Harry grabs at Louis' waist, pulling him close, and Louis moves his hands up towards Harry's collar bone, force of habit by this point. They kiss, the mood playful and fun, as they fumble around, the slow hum of noise coming from just outside the door - a few guests and members of staff, all shifting around the lobby. It won't be long before someone wants entry into the kitchen and their time will be up.
The glass entrance doors of The Magnolia grind against the floor as they open for a new guest, making the most dreadful noise, but Harry and Louis pay no notice, lost in each other. It's only when Louis hears the high-pitched voice of this new guest, standing at the front desk, that he snaps back into reality, removing his lips from Harry's jaw. Harry notices his absence straight away, and moves to ask Louis what he is doing, but Louis stops him, placing a single finger atop Harry's lips, listening out for her to speak again.

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