Chapter 10

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Jessica POV
I woke up. It was like 12. I got out of bed.
"Hey babe. No, no Jay. I promise you. I'm just using her. So I can get the money then we'll run away. Alright baby. I love you most."
That bitch. I'm not crying over this. Fuck him.
"Fuck you. You know... I thought we we're for real. And now you're just fucking using me? Fucking ass. Shawn's way better then you. I want you to leave. Today. Now. As soon as possible. I really do hate you."
"Jessica I... I" Justin said but I cut him off.
"What? That you're a cheating asshole!? Yeah I kinda know that. No wonder everyone was telling me to be carful with you!"
"What's going on in here?" Everyone came in the room.
"Nothing." Justin said.
"Stop fucking lying. He's fucking cheating again. Oh wait he never stopped. You know I'm tired of this bull shit. I'm out."
"Jessica wait." he called out.
"Fuck you. Fuck you Justin." and I walked out.
I can't believe I have him another chance. He's such an ass! I should of listened to everyone.
"Hey I'm sorry but can we get a picture?" Four girls asked me.
"How about we go out to eat? My treat. I need so air. To get out of here for a while."
"Yeah sure. There's a popular coffee shop down the road." The short one told me.
"What's your names?"
"I'm Jen." The short one said.
"Nicole." The tallest one said.
"Stephanie." The blonde one said.
"Daisy." The one with brown hair and red ends.
"Nice to meet you all. Come on let's go."
"Hey you okay?" Nicole asked.
"Yeah..Why you ask?"
"Well for one you haven't touched your coffee." Steph said.
"You haven't spoken. Everyone says you're talkative." Nicole smiled.
"You're spaced out and you have this sad expression on your face." Daisy said.
"I... I just. It's Justin. He's.. He's."
"You don't have to say it." Daisy smiled sadly.
"He's cheating on me."
"What!" All the girls gasped.
"Yeah.. Not so long ago. Then Shawn...he's being so cute and sweet to me and I really like him but I don't know.. he's fans would hate me." I sighed.
"You're talking to four Shawn girls. And I think all of us like you."
"Not me." Daisy said. We all looked at her. She started laughing. "I love you! I support you and Shawn."
"You scared the shot out of me you idiot!" I laughed.
"You're very welcome. But hey.. no really you should give him a chance. He's a good guy."
"But fans-" I stared.
"No. If they really love Shawn..they'll love you as well" Jen stated.
"I guess you guys are right. We should get going. The event should be starting in a little."
"Now you do. Let's go." I got up. They didn't follow at first. But then they come out.
The girls and I got to my hotel room. I got ready and then we left.
We walked towards the guys. "Hey guys. These are my new friends. Jen, Stephanie, Nicole and Daisy."
They all said hello and we went back stage.
"He's not here." Daisy said.
"Good. I don't need to see him right now."
"But I thought you loved me." Shawn said making all of us jump.
"Not you!" I smiled. He hugged all the girls and extended his hand to me. I frowned. I shook his hand. Unfair. I don't get a hug.
He then pulled my off the couch and sat down. Then pulled me onto his lap. He embraced me into a hug and kissed my forehead.
"You looked a little jealous." he smirked.
"Shut up." I smiled.
"Aw!" Nicole gushed.
"Aw make babies." Jen laughed.
"You guys are cute." Steph giggled
"Relationship goals." Daisy smiled
"We aren't having babies. We're not even dating." I said.
"Will you be my girl friend?" Shawn asked
"I.." I said.
"If you don't say yes I will." Daisy said.
"Yes. I will." I smiled.
He then kissed me. I kissed back.
The girls 'awned'.
I pulled away.
"Okay now make babies."
"Relation goals."
"You guys are cute!"
They all repeated.
They called Shawn and I up. We sang together.
"So let's give it up for the performers!" everyone screamed.
"Thank you for coming. See ya tomorrow."
We we're done with the event.
Everyone is going out but I'm staying at the hotel. With the girls. We're gonna watch movies all night long.
Someone knocked the door making all of us scream. We are watching a scary movie. I got up to get it.
It was Shawn, Hayes, Aaron, and Dillion.
"We heard y'all having a movie night and there's hot girls." Dillion smiled.
"They're in there." I smiled.
Shawn kissed me. "We could ditch them. Watch the sun go down." I pointed at the porch.
"Perfect." he smiled.
I made so many snapchats of the sun going down. "Here record me singing this." Shawn gave me his phone.
I recored.
"You're perfect, you're perfect, you make me nervous."
I stopped recording and gave him his phone.
"Check your vine." he said.
I went on vine. This goes out to my girl Jessica. Buy my buds Jacob Whitesides new song on iTunes!
I smiled and kissed him. I love him. I just can't tell him yet.
"Let's go back inside." he said taking my hand in his.
We were all watching movies when we heard a loud bang on the door." "Open the door! It's the police. My heart was beating so fast. I got up with everyone behind me. I opened it.
"Hello. Are you Jessica Dallas?"
"Your brother Cameron Dallas has gotten into a car accident with his girl friend Marylin Ciza."
My heart stopped.
"They're in really bad condition. They're in the hospital now."
So this chapter goes out to @NicoleLink bc she pushed me into updating ☺️
Sorry it's short. I have no school tomorrow and Friday. Anddddd my birthday is on Saturday 😏😂💃 Ya. I have the same birthday as Nick Mara. Omg he's been bae since 2011 😩😍😂 okay bye love ya. Vote and comment for faster updates.

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