Words I Never Said

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Title: Words I never Said

Author: WhiteRabbit17

Genre: Romance / Adventure

Completed: Yes

Juliet Baxter is complicated, quiet and a mysterious person to others. After her grandfather's death, she cut back on her talking and started listening. She stopped talking completely to most people in the school except for her best friend Ace and a few others, keeping it short and sweet. Ace always knows what Juliet is thinking and talks for her, sticking up against people that try to get her to talk. Kids at school don't understand why she doesn't talk to anyone, some believe a tragic accident occurred that made her stop talking. Juliet and Ace know, and now Dusty Kane wants to know.

Juliet and Ace bump into the notorious Dustin Kane, who has a knack for getting suspended and arrested. They catch him doing something illegal and he threatens them to keep their mouths shut. He becomes intrigued when Juliet doesn't utter a word, but instead looks at him with eyes that seem to know all. Dustin becomes infatuated with Juliet and will do whatever it takes to get her to talk to him; will she finally open her mouth and utter the words he's been dying to hear? Or will she keep her mouth shut and never let Dustin in?

Juliet may have stopped talking to most people, but she's definitely smarter than people give her credit for...

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