Chapter 7: The Cost

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                  Pail as ghosts, the kids sat horrified in front of the food presented to them, my skin. Reluctant to even lay a finger in one of the bloodied pieces of skin, I went ahead and took one for myself. The bitter taste of the skin and the acid sensation of the blood danced around my mouth, they made for a not too enjoyable meal, like usual. 

                  "C-Cannibalism" muttered the kid with a mixture of shock and fear in his voice. He then turned to Sarah who was far too afraid to even utter a word. 

                  "Come on, are you eating or not, would you rather die instead?" I said to both of them in a natural monotone manner to snap them out.

                  They then returned to reality, after looking around they also noticed, this is the only thing to eat. Sarah was the first to make a move, her doll like hand picked one of them up. She stared at the seemingly disgusting piece of disembodied skin, the fresh crimson blood still dripping from it. Her other hand blocking her nostrils, she closed her eyes, as if about to make a leap of faith, and downed it in one go. 

                  Her expression of shock changed to that of disgust, the flavors didn't do well for her tounge. She then looked at me, her golden eyes shining under the evening sun. Her golden locks fell as her doll like figure bowed towards me, as if to thank me. 

                  "It wasn't much, now keep eating I'm not that hungry" I said with a fast slightly nervous tone, no one has ever bowed at me before, It's a strange feeling. 

                  The kid stared at the figure of his sister downing human meat down her throat. With an expression of disbelief, his golden eyes trembled as they kept staring, probably he is nervous. I decided to tease him a bit in order for him to eat. 

                  "I cant believe the older brother is such a coward, oh well" I told him in a playful tone, his expression switched from that of shock to anger. 

                   "What was that!?" He said in anger, his eyes burning with resolve in them, I think I hit the jackpot with the previous comment. 

                    In the blink of an eye through his thin pipe like throat slid a piece of skin. His pale skin under the light of the sun, as he wildly downed one piece after the other, made him seem like a ghost, specially thanks to the mist. After they finished eating my skin they both thanked me again. I was a bit embarrassed  but the warmth of this feeling, it made me feel at ease. It has been so long since I have felt like this, I honestly missed it, the warmth.

                     The sun began to set at the horizon, behind the endless mounds of rubble, and surrounded by the ever sickening crimson fog under a forever red sky. Then I turned to Sarah and her brother, they both began to yawn, I guess it's understandable, they are only kids. 

                      "Hey, would you mind to sleep in my lap?" I asked with an embarrassed tone, I am honestly not acting like my usual self, why is that? 

                       While the kid was still a bit reluctant, Sarah who had previously read my intentions, had already placed her head comfortably in my thigh. Her beautiful golden hair was honestly entrancing, her frail doll like look, along with the torn white dress she wore, made her look like a spirit in my eyes. 

                        "If you try anything I swear I will kill you, also my name is Andrew" said Andrew with a demanding tone and as if he read my mind. He then placed himself in my other thigh, even though he looked weak at a glance, his strength shined through his words. 

                         "You're really something else Andrew" I whispered to myself as I was being mesmerized by the strength of not only Andrew but Sarah too. So young and yet they easily paid the cost to stay alive, to adapt. 

                          Soon after they both fell asleep the night was greeted by the moon, who's beauty wasn't as appreciated under the ever crimson night sky. The stars tried to make the moon shine through, but the skies crimson sea forced them into completing it, as the sky dominated the night sky, like a tyrant. 

                          I then looked down at the two kids sleeping soundly atop my thighs, they shivered as the cold night breeze danced around us. I took off what was left of what can barely be called my coat, and covered Andrew as much as I could. Then I took my torn white shirt off, exposing my slightly tanned skin under the night sky. I wrapped Sarah as much as I could with my shirt, I just hope it's enough to ward the cold off.

                           Even though I barely know anything about them, I want to protect them, protect this feeling of warmth I get from being with them. Although I am extremely curious as to how could kids like them could have survived so long. As my thoughts flew across my mind I felt someone moving in my thigh, Sarah is waking up. 

                           Her doll like figure was surprisingly more mesmerizing under the gentle light of the moon, it highlighted her pale skin even more. Then she turned to me in a sleepy manner and then she out of nowhere hugged me. The same warm feeling as before coursed through my body bringing me to a peaceful state of mind despite the shock of being hugged out of the blue. 

                           "Dad..." Sarah mumbled in her sleep in a weak voice, tears sliding down her smooth white cheeks. It seems like she sleepwalks, but the fact she mentioned her father, it kind of brought me back to my senses, as if that feeling from before just left altogether. 

                           I then patted her head gently, as softly as I could, stroking her golden locks as gently as I could, like a father would do. Then I caressed her cheek and took away her tears. Her hug grew tighter, as a small, gentle smile began to shine across her sleep, then she slowly fell down into her previous sleep. 

                           I came to realise that they had paid the cost to survive far before today, they had to pay with their parents before getting this far. These kids they are far stronger than your average person. A smile began to make its way to my face, I then began to admire their bravery and strength, as I slowly began to fall into my first good sleep since this all began. 

Heroes? They are all DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora