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The bright haired girl sat in the dark corner,blocking out all of the cruel,harsh words that were spat at her. 'Hes wrong...don't listen..just block him you always I have told you to..Do not let him break through..' A small voice,her guardian, told her to do witch is exactly what she did. As he yelled and screamed and threw threats at her,she ignored,blocked out,and kept to herself while he did so. Once he had left the voice calmed her and helped her stand and get ready for the day.

 She brushed her long,wavy,bright blue hair into a pony tail. She then slipped into a nice black hoodie and black short-shorts with grey Toms. She ate and brushed her teeth and headed off to the place the small voice helped her the most,school.

Emmi was a smart,quiet,shy,beautifully girl. About 16. Even though she was put down non-stop,by everyone, she pulled through all because the small voice she called 'Elli'. Elli helped her to block everything out,the pain,the yells,everything. Without Elli, Emmi would have broke long ago. Elli knows what Emmi is capable of. She knows what wants to break free,what everyone wants to unleash on the world. What would cause everything to collapse on top her. Elli helped Emmi all she could but she knew one day she would break and she planned that day would be the day she would appear to Emmi,as a hole.

As Emmi walked through the doors of the place she had no fear of the place but the small voice still calmed her. She walked straight to the first class and did her late homework for all of her classes.As the day went on so did the yells in between classes and then calming of Elli. This..was a normal day for Emmi. This was also the normal day for Elli...only she was working alittle harder than normal and Emmi didn't know why nor did she want to.

 After she got home from school she did the normal and went to her room and made the normal commentary she did daily for YouTube. Even though she didn't have to many people whom watched she still did it because it was fun. Up till that was normal...but she was reading the moments during a editing break and saw a...disturbing comment. It said how they would break her and how they would bring her to there 'side' no matter what it took that was the disturbing part...but not the 'scary' part. The scary part was that..she knew it was true, something deep..deep..DEEP inside her was screaming that they were right and Elli tried and tried to shut it up but failed.

 "Elli...why is it saying they'r right?" She asked the voice out loud.

'Because he wants to mess with you...relax Emmi. I promise you nothing will happen..just stay calm.' it talked back.

 "No Elli! I don't wanna calm down! For 12 years you say to stay calm! Why?!" She asked a tiny bit harsher than meant to.

 'Nothing..just please..calm down. Oh and your breaks up..' she said in a worried voice and pushed the secret back further. Emmi took a deep breath and calmed and then went back to editing.

 This went on for about a week or so and finally she ignored the small voice and replied to the person but didn't get a response. Elli seemed fear full and scared as she made Emmi go to bed early. As Emmi slept Elli thought and thought so much she almost woke Emmi.

+ Elloz Meh little Brianz! this just slapped me in the face while eating dinner..and it wouldn't go away so I was like 'OO!! New book!!..cause why not?". And yes, I have 3...but I'm thinking of keeping Tricked and Perfect level the main..and this one a side it wouldn't be updated a lot..until the other two are done..and Hatred With A Mask will be a...'i'm bored and don't know what else to write' sound good?..good! And I promise you all of them will be updated soon! Maybe by this weekend?...I don't know..Anyway! I love you and please tell me what ya think! OOO!! by the way! Emmi is pronounced Emmy or Emme..Elli is pronounced Elly or Elle..just sayin. <3 ya! +

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