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The light breeze gently swallowed her as her blue hair swayed slightly. Looking out into the distance she was amazed by the fresh white coat the earth had. She watched as the cars went by in the distance far, far away from where she stood. Her thoughts were stopped by a small wolf howl. She looked over and found a beautiful beast. Her dog, Cookie, was part Wolf part Husky. He was named Cookie dew to his love in stealing and then eating almost every type of cookie he can find. Cookie was like her buddie. No one messed with Cookie or she would get in the middle and vise versa. Only person he would back off to is her father. And she did the same. The dog was only about 2 and a half years of age so he wasn't to old. He loved Emmi. He would follow her, sleep with her, play with her, even sit right outside the door as she went to the bathroom and on the small mat in the bathroom when she showered or took a bath. He didn't mind baths...or walks...or the snow...or anything really. She smiled and bent down,petting her small puppy. As she looked into the dogs eyes she saw the calmness, that no matter what right then in the moment in time they were both calm. Both content in just looking at the fallen snow from the porch.

 Emmi looked out again and saw a beautiful Deer walk out followed by 2 baby's. To her it was stunning to see this. All of this. She loved how the snow gently layed in thick layers on the ground and how a Deer was leading its kids to a new spot.

Emmi walked out into the snow with Cookie beside her. She walked around,letting the snow land on her hair and make it even more noticeable. She loved to be outside...loved the snow and loved the colors that tagged along. She just walked. Just walked and walked and walked,looking at everything she could. Everything she could see and tried to see things she couldn't. One of the things she couldn't was a male that watched her. She did not notice him nor did Cookie but he noticed them.

 'Emmi...we should get back..Now!' Elli advised.

 "No...Elli calm down and just look around a bit..if you can.."

 'I sense something...something that isnt right...please just go home..'

 "Ugghh fine.." she talked back and went home quickly. As she did this the man sighed and kept walking to his destination. She went inside and warmed up.

 "Soo...cookie...want a treat?" she smiled as she pulled a treat out of her pocket and he jumped and did a few tricks. She gave him a few and then went off to her room. It was peacfull today..well..for the next week or so. Her father was out of town and her friends were all busy. She went on the computer and on Skype with her friend. For hours and hours they talked till it was really late (2 am!) and she finally said goodnight and went off to bed.

 +Elli's P.O.V+

 Emmi...she is a hand-full..always careless. Always wanting to explore. Always getting into trouble. See...Emmi is special. Not mentally or physically. But she has a that could destroy the world in on blink. If it were to get loose we would all be dead within minutes..err most of us would be. Well most of you will be. I and my kind will not. Emmi is a very beautiful girl with a very ugly inside. Great personality great looks but the secret that lies inside her is horrid and should never be released.

+Emmi's P.O.V+

 So...I just finished updating my YouTube..and I got another strange comment. From the same person..but when I click on the account it says it doesn't exist. I reported the issue to YouTube as a bug and went off to bed.

+ So...I know I havent been on to update in a while..and I promise a update on almost all of my stories by the end of this week. If I don't by Friday you CAN yell at me on ROBLOX. My name on there is Princesskahlan1 and if you feel the need to come and meet me join my game! or pm me I always respond. Don't be afraid I wont bite. Also I don't own the picture...I just found it. Thank you all who have and hopefully will read this <3 ya meh little brainz!! And if your lucky...come join my rps I RP on Darken dawn alot so...come join the fun with my friends and I!! Also who do you want to be the guy? Laughing Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Slender, who? Tell me please! +

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