Stares (3)

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A/N: hey it me Jay (: Short but sweet chapter.

*Sonny's P.O.V.*

I was singing Mercy for the boys and it was really awkward. They were all staring at me, I have sung in-front of Andy before but it felt like such a intimate and close environment and I was new. Just barging my way in only knowing one person. 

I distracted myself from their eyes by looking around the room and examining it, there were a few paintings and a lot of stuff on the counter in the kitchen, I'm cleaning that later. I kept scanning the room slowly while singing when my eyes passed over Jack, he is fit not gonna lie. So is everyone else in this house. But Brooklyn, he is definitely a fucking Greek God. While thinking of the younger male I found my eyes going to look at him, accidentally locking eyes. 


His eyes are a bright green and his skin is flawless. What the hell is his skin care routine? Before I knew it the song was over and I realized how I felt less tense and awkward than before, is it because of Brooklyn? No, it couldn't be. We just met. I won't let myself fall that quick, not again. 

The boys applauded me and after making them laugh with my toe they showed me around the house and to my room where they had already taken my stuff. We all ended up sitting around the living room telling stories and learning more about each other over some tea that Rye had remade after Alex butchered it. It was nearing midnight when people started leaving one by one to their respective rooms. At close to 1:30 in the morning it was only Brooklyn and I left on the couch, laughing about how a squirrel cracked open his scalp by knocking a rock onto it.

"I'm completely serious about this," he paused to laugh a bit, "that squirrel had a plan to kill me mate. It knocked that rock out of the tree on purpose! Why was a rock in the tree anyway!"

I was sent into another round of laughter by the last comment. 

"Aww. It's okay Brook, I'm sure you could beat up that squirrel easily. You are the same height."

"Oh, fuck off Sonny!" There was no hostility behind his words which was made obvious by him laughing immediately after it was said. We had eventually calmed down, sitting in a comfortable silence. I turned to look at Brook only to find him already staring straight back. He blushed lightly but made no move to look away. You would expect this to feel awkward and uncomfortable but it was, nice, in a way. We ended up looking away after a few minutes, him giggling softly and me with a light smile. 

"Have you ever been in love Sonny?" He asked this in a very small voice, I barely heard him speak. 

I was about to voice how I wasn't very comfortable talking about it when I was saved by a very tired Irish man walking in. "Oh. You guys are still awake. You wanna come join me for a movie? I came down to make some popcorn."

Taking one last glance at Brooklyn, I agreed, taking this as a chance to get closer with Jack. Brooklyn had also agreed offering to bring up the drinks. I grabbed extra blankets and pillows, transforming Jack's bed into a giant nest of sorts. Suitable for two very lanky men and one short one. During the middle of the second movie we had all started dosing off, Jack and I on the outside with Brook in the middle. The other two were spooning which I guess was a common occurrence with how comfortable they seemed. I just wrapped an arm around the both of them, head on Brook's chest and feet almost hanging off the edge of the bed.

I never would have expected them to accept me this quickly and be comfortable enough to allow me into a cheeky cuddle session, but I am glad it happened. I was also happy with the results it had in the morning. Brook and I waking up to Jack making us breakfast was the best way I could have spent my first morning with Roadtrip. 

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