More Confusion

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Tony's pov

"What do you mean! Banner. Give me a damn good reason as to why this is happening"

It had been and hour after y/n got home. I had raced home after hearing the news. I didn't know if it was good or bad at this point. Bruce did some tests on her after the accident in the allyway and tried to experiment a bit. He tried to wipe her memory of that horrid thing. But he had used a different substance. Which is why I was here yelling at him. Well, I wasn't exactly yelling. I was just frustrated. I didn't want him to hulk out on me. Heh...

"I was trying to fix the problem I made, and I think we're in a better position now than we were when this first happened. Her memory is back. Sorta. It's complicated ok? Just stop yelling at me!"

I saw a flash of green shoot through his skin. Shit. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it slowly.

"I'm sorry for panicking. I just don't know what to do and I don't want to fuck up this whole dad thing."

I slumped back into a chair and ran my fingers through my hair. Bruce came over and sat down next to me. He me straight in the eyes as if telling me 'itll be ok'. I gave him a small smile and got back up.

"So explain to me what exactly her condition is... She has her memory? But she doesn't? Bruce let out a long sigh and walked over to me.

"Yeah... So I wiped her memory again, and then took a piece of her memory and added it with something else. And if you're wondering how I took her memory, I used the tech right here." He walked over to a very expensive machine I built to help me hide the memories I didn't want...

"Y-yeah. I finished that a bit ago. I made it with an attempt to clean myself up a bit. Trying to tame myself a bit. What about it?"

"So I took all of her memories and I but it in this machine. But it seems some of her memories were mixed with yours... She lost some, but gained some. And then I mixed the MIXED memories with a substance that added some extra personality. So she was kinda shy, yet kinda cocky. I mean, she's your kid. But now she's very outspoken now. She became very bold."

I stood there in shock. So she's basically become a mini me? She had been so quiet, and shy. I mean, not with the Avengers, she was always blunt as hell with us. But this might actually be a good thing. It's not as bad as I thought.

"Maybe this is a good thing for her?" Bruce looked up at me. A bit in shock, and a bit understanding.

"She did have a lot of nervous ticks, this might help her out. But there are some memories she doesn't have anymore. She doesn't have any memories of Peter or Spider-Man, again. And she doesn't have any memories of her training of being professional. She's very crude and extra blunt."

Pete might be a bit hurt by this, but this sounds good!

"Let's go chat with her. See what's up."

I opened the door and peeked in the room. Y/n was sitting on the couch next to some of my tech. Her foot was swinging back and forth as she looked up at us.

"It's about fucking time pops. I'm hungry as hell. Where's the fucking food." I started to chuckle. God she sounded like me. Bruce pulled me back out of the room.

"Shit, I forgot to tell you what memories she took from you." I heard a frustrated yell come from the room.

"Yeah, spit it out Banner."

"She's gotten all the... Playboy memories from your past. She knows all of the. Ahem. Experiences without having gone through them."

If I was drinking when he told me this I would have spit all of it out. I about choked on my own spit as he said this. My little girl knew about my sex life now. She knew how to do every trick in the book.


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