Chapter 2 Part 1

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Pulling up to the college campus after a 10 minute drive, I grabbed my phone to check the time seeing 1:00 PM. "Awe finding a parking spot is going to be hard." I groaned while turning in the parking lot seeing cars all throughout the lot. Going about 10 mph steady hitting brakes I mentally rolled my eyes because I know it's going to take a while for me to get a parking spot unless I was in a lucky position.

Trying to look over the truck that was in front of me, even swerving a little over to the left in hopes to get a glimpse of what was ahead of me. Accepting that I will not be able to see anything as long as this truck is in front of me. I slouch in my seat some and grabbed my phone to see that it was now 1:10 PM.

"Oh my gosh I need to find a parking spot." I stressed. Seeing the truck take a left to go into another lane I decided to stay straight. I went down the lane in hopes of a parking spot. Knowing I spent enough time trying to find a somewhat close parking spot I decided to park further in the back where I know there would be parking spots. Settling on a spot, I put the car in park grabbed my purse placing my notebook in inside of it. I don't typically go for the big purse but it was on sale and would be perfect for school. Turning the car off, I slid out fixing my outfit. Closing the door and locking it I check my phone one last time seeing it was 1:20 then tossing it in the bag. Beginning my walk to my first class of my dream school. To say I was nervous would be an understatement, being around crowds of people I don't know is extremely nerve wrecking. Pulling my schedule out to clarify what building I should be heading to.

After what felt like a 30 minute walk I finally made it to my class sighing in relief seeing that the professor was not in class yet. Taking a quick glance around the class I seen an open seat next to a girl decided to sit there instead of the empty seat upfront near the professor desk.

Sitting down quietly, pulling my notebook out and getting a comfortable. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the girl next to me silently cursing to herself. "Are you okay?" I asked looking at her curiously. "Oh I'm sorry to disturb you, I was looking for something to write with but it looks like I forgot it." She stated rolling her eyes. Lightly chuckling I search in my bag pulling out a pencil and handing it to her.  "Oh gosh thank you so much." She exclaimed. "It's no problem we've all had those days." I said smiling.  Looking around I seen all the seats occupied. Some talking among each other while others just sat there looking bored. Probably wondering where our professor is seeing it is now 1:37PM. Not even a second later a lady who looks to be in her early forties entered giving a small smile, while apologizing for her tardiness.After getting her things situated she stood before the class speaking "Alright class welcome to your Cognitive Psychology class, I am Professor Key." In the mist of her speech, the classroom door opened and in walked a guy who looked pretty familiar to me but not knowing where I could possible know him from since I was new to this city, pushing that thought to the back of my mind I went back to focusing on the professor who told him to have a seat at her desk since the rest of the chairs in the classroom were filled.

"Alright it looks like everyone is here, I will call out attendance if you can just say here or present and wave your hand that way I can put a face with a name." Professor Key said while picking up her clipboard. Patiently waiting to hear my name as she went down her list in alphabetical order. Raising my hand when hearing my name and softly saying here, while catching eyes with the guy who came in late his face scrunched up in a confused state while looking me up down. Making me raise my brow wondering why he was looking at me like that. Breaking eye contact I went back to scribbling in my notebook. As the professor continued I learned that the girl next to me name was Kori.

Going through my bag to check the time on my phone I immediately froze hearing the professor say "Amir Lewis". I slowly looked up seeing the boy who was tardy raise his hand saying here. No, no, no this can't be real. Why? How? Out of all the cities in the world it had to be this one, this school, this class. If he's here does that mean everyone else is? I have to get out of he-. "Hey Kennedy, are you okay girl?" Kori asked taking me out of my thoughts. Looking at her I gave her a small smile. "Umm yeah, I'm okay, why you ask?" I questioned while trying to keep my composure. Any minute now it felt like I was going to pass out. Kori looked at me with much concern while saying "You just kind of zoned out and you're shaking a little." Trying to relax some more, I assured her I was okay just a little cold. Kori shook her head okay with a look as if she didn't believed me but let the subject go. The next forty-five minutes seemed to go by so slow. All I wanted to do was get out of here and go far away. For the remainder of class I tried to keep all my attention on the professor but it was extremely hard knowing that one of my bullies that took part in ruining my life was only 5ft away from me. "Alright so class is almost over and I would like for each of you to find a partner and exchange contact information, because your first assignment will be coming up in the next two weeks. So take this time to get to know your partner and get comfortable because they will be your best friend for the next couple of weeks." In those last five minutes of class everyone was up exchanging numbers. Kori and I decided we would exchange since we sat right next to each other and already started communicating. Once class was dismissed I hurried and grabbed my stuff and got the hell out of there. Exiting the building it felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Only to be dropped right back down on me when I noticed Amir walking to a group of students laughing their heads off. Squinting some "Oh you've got to be kidding me." I whispered to myself while laying eyes on my high school bullies. Immediately feeling like the insecure chubby girl back in high school who was emotionally and at times physically abused. Picking up my speed to walk pass them without being notice while digging in my purse searching for my phone so I could call my sister in hopes of her bringing me back down to earth before I lose my mind. Grabbing my phone I quickly unlocked it while going to my sisters contact, putting the phone to my ear. I sighed in relief hearing her voice after the fourth ring. "Kenny, hey sis how was your first class?" She asked excitedly. The only thing I could get out was "they're here."


Cliff Hanger. Next Chapter will be Chapter 2 part 2

Finally Uploaded its been forever. I'm just not consistent at all.

I had writers block and just gave up but something has been pulling me back to this book so here I am.

Short Chapter I just really wanted to get a chapter in. So here it is. 5:00AM (EDT)

Sorry for any errors and mistakes, didn't proof read.

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