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Hello! This is a new book I'm working on, it's based off the world of Wonderland but with a little bit of a spin. I won't be able to update as frequently as I would like to due to school, I'm a junior in high school and mostly take AP classes so I'm busy with school work and also extremely tired half the time so please understand. I really hope you enjoy this, I've been heavily inspired by the stories I've read on tumblr so decided to make a little bit of a comeback lol. This book is a little different from what I'm used to so don't be to harsh on me lol. I'm trying my best to get into the whole "fantasy" and "whimsical" thing. Enjoy!

There was no animals, no sound, no breeze. Just me, alone. I took a step forward and a small branch snapped under my shoe, the sound echoing. I froze, clenching my fists I sucked in some air and waited for whatever was out there to jump out from behind a tree and swallow me whole. Yet it never happened I exhaled in relief and forced myself to keep walking. I needed to keep moving foward, my feet were tired and I knew it was only a matter or time till my body would demand for a break. The path stretched to what seemed like forever, as bright and colorful everything seemed I knew better. Things weren't normal here, they weren't as they presented themselves to be. This was Wonderland, reality was flipped upside down and what I thought I knew could not be applied here. That would only lead you to insanity, and right now I needed every cell in my body alert. This place could do things to your brain that no scientist or doctor could save you from. As whimsical as this place looked it was far from it.

I reached a small pond that had a bench, I decided this would be my rest stop until my feet didn't ache as much. I sat down and sighed as the weight was lifted from my feet. At that very moment I heard a shuffle behind me, maybe an animal? I was in the woods, I kept still and sat there quietly trying to listen for movement. There it was again a shuffling sound, I snapped my head to look behind me only to be met with trees. Again I heard shuffling only it was coming from my right side, I turned and again, only trees. I was about to stand up when a tap on my shoulder froze me in place. "Tricked ya"

That damn voice. I recognized it the second I heard it, it was the cat. Everyone who knew Wonderland knew the cat, you would be a fool to not know of him. He was notorious for either aiding you on the right path to wherever you needed to go or purposely guiding you towards the wrong direction for his sole amusement. Usually the ladder. His name was Jimin, and the sly cat knew how to use his abilities well. No one knew his origin story or how he came about in Wonderland but here he was, the gatekeeper of the forest. You see, everyone in Wonderland had an origin or a reason for being here. They all had a story, some good some bad. It's what someone might call "the after life" but it was more complex than that, and I don't remember dying so not exactly an afterlife. Wonderland wasn't a place you could drive to either, as much as it sounds like a carnival it was far from that. I don't really know exactly what Wonderland is, guess the name is quite fitting, one is always kept wondering. "I should of known it was you." I said under my breath slightly bitter, I turned my head to be met by round yellow eyes but only for a split second until they fanished. One of Jimin's powers was his ability to disappear into thin air only for him to reappear somewhere else or just be able to be a voice in the distance with no body to be insight. "Aw I'm flattered" he replied, obviously being sarcastic, his tail appearing on my shoulder slighty touching my cheek, almost making me want to sneeze. "What are you doing here, thought you would be busy messing with someone else" I spoke into the air, Jimin was famous for only showing himself when he wanted to be seen. You would make yourself dizzy by trying to catch a glimpse of him. He was a tease, and he knew it. "I was, but I saw that you were nearby and you're far more entertaining" he said, I could practically hear his smile. I needed to keep moving, and with Jimin basically purring into my ear I knew I wouldn't be getting anywhere. "I'm here for the hatter, seen him around?" I asked, I knew better than to ask for help from Jimin, I've been around Wonderland long enough to know, I learned pretty early on that you only had yourself to lean on. "Hmm let me think" the weight on my shoulders lifted and saw I Jimin appear on a nearby branch, his fur a light purple with black stripes. The same as when I last saw him. "What is a-round Alice? Is my "around" your "around"? Or perhaps you mean his "around"?" he smirked, another one of his games. I felt myself get frustrated, but only for a moment, only to be reminded that this was Jimin, and that getting frustrated would only bring him satisfaction. "Tik tok Alice, you wouldn't want me to disappear" that damn smile, I could practically feel his amusement. "Cut the games Jimin, I'm only here for hatter, I don't plan to stay long, if you're not going to help me, I'll be on my way" I said in a raised tone, I couldn't waste anymore time.

Like I said before, things are different here, people go mad. "Always in such a rush, poor Kook is always so lonely, he'd be happy to know you're back. It has been awhile since your last visit, I wonder why that is?" he was trying to get a reaction from you, he knew exactly the reason why you hadn't "visited" , having lost your leg was a big enough reason for anyone to stay away. As for kook, he was dead to you, he and the rest of Wonderlands occupants meant nothing to you, at one point he was your right hand, but after things went south with the queen of hearts he simply turned his back on you. Then chop went your right leg. One of her many punishments, you soon found out.

"Alright, since you're an old friend I'll say this" he jumped down from the tree branch and onto the grass just below. "Last I saw of him was in the meadows with the rabbit." "And how long ago was this?" you asked, Jimin always left details out. "Tsk tsk Alice...you should know by now cats don't know how to tell time" he smiled and just when you opened your mouth to snap at him to quit messing with you he vanished. He always had a gift for bad timing.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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