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I have been his best friend for two years now and this is just ridiculous. Because I've been the only there for him. He feels more comfortable around me than any other girl he's with. I can't handle listening to his girl problems when I'm right in front of him. I'm obviously the answer here. He always calls me at 2 in the morning. Like if you have a girlfriend talk to her. But he know I understand him best and he even tells me he dreams about me like cmon is it any more obvious. Like I know he likes me. I'm the King. He's in love with me and denies it. I know he doesn't love those girls. But he's a flirter and then complains about them to me. He doesn't want to accept his feelings he's in love. He calls me at his highs and lows. I'm the only one who stays. I'm the King.

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