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(Hermione's POV)

Draco and I were waiting in the courtyard for Scorpius, Cassiopeia, and Lily when I suddenly feel a hug from behind the back. "Hi Lils you look beautiful darling but be careful in those heels in that dress. Cassie you look stunning Dora will be the luckiest woman there to have you as here date, but you need to be careful in those heels. Scorpius my baby boy you look dashing in that suit," I said. "We need to go inside, Lily Scorp no playing to many pranks, and Mia love you see you in a few minutes," Draco said. 

(3rd Person POV)

Hermione walked forward with her head held high and her arms swaying by her side, in a regal and elegant manner like her mother-in-law taught her. With the curls from her bun bouncing as she walks. The dress she was wearing she had made specifically for her and her family, a beautiful burgundy off the shoulder sweetheart neckline. It was long and fitted her form nicely with a slit going along her left leg, so she could dance easily. The material she had made with pure Mulberry silk, so it was an incredibly soft dress. The heels she was wearing were a simple two strap open heel made with pure gold that was surprisingly comfortable. All the woman in the room stared at her with envy. Meanwhile her oldest and youngest waltzed in right behind her all the girls in the room stared at Lily in envy while the boys stared at her with lust. Lily had he hair up in a tight braided bun with a vine like head piece, her makeup was neutral look with he eyes having an ombred look and her lips were wearing a pink-ish nude. Her dress was a two-piece light yellow halter top with an open back, and tight form fitting mermaid skirt. Her heels were a simple black 3 inch heel with some gold accents. Hermione smirked as she heard her maiden name being passed around in hushed whispers, at some point and time it must've made it to the golden duo as she was talking to Pansy Zabini and Luna Nott she felt her arm be ripped around to facing a very livid Ginny Potter. "What do think your doing here, you're not welcome here!" Ginny screamed in my face. "Ronald Billius Weasley what did you tell them?" I asked. "He told us that he came home to see you in bed with another man." Ginny answered. "RONALD! YOU AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED! No what actually happened was I came home to a pair of heels that I didn't own and then I heard a moan, I walked into my bedroom to see Ron in bed with a fully naked Lavender Brown. At what you guys didn't know is that every night Ronald would come home drunk and beat me, so I left and moved to Australia for 6 years where I then met my husband of 16 years and had my triplets, we lived in Australia up until our kids were 12, before we moved back to London because my husband and I decided that our children should grow up with both of their grandparents and I was also missing my twin." I respond. "Wait that means you've been in London for  years, who did you marry?" Ginny asked but before I could answer I was cut of by a scream  then 10 seconds later a slime covered Cassiopeia came stomping up to me, "Mom, Scorpius and Lily slimed me and ruined my dress luckily Dora backed away before she got slimed also. Do you have another dress I can wear?" Cassie asked. "Luckily I kinda figured that they would slime you today so I did bring another dress." I answered while transfiguring Cassie's ruined dress to a beautiful royal blue off the shoulder sweetheart neckline ballgown. Ginny was about to speak but then came up a very guilty looking Lily and Scorpius. "Lily Andromeda and Scorpius Remus while did you slime your sister?" I ask in a stern voice. "To be fair she deserved it she was going to tell dad that James and I were kissing, and you and I both know that wouldn't end well for James; while Scorpius was pranking her for payback for using all his hairspray for temporary tattoos that didn't even work." Lily answered. "Fine I'll let it go this time, Ginny Harry theses are my triplets; Scorpius Remus, Cassiopeia Narcissa, and Lily Andromeda." I explain "Well since my kids are here, this is James Sirius, and our twins Nymphadora Hermione and Albus Severus."Ginny explains. At that moment James looked like he saw a ghost then I got my answer when he started talking, "H-hi Mr. M-malfoy, h-how are y-you." "James why are you scared of Draco Malfoy?" Harry asked. "James babe it's fine Daddy's not going to kill you because I won't let him, because he's knows not to get me angry." Lily says "Daddy? Hermione who did you marry?" Ginny asked

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