Home Sweet Home

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It was the most beautiful morning I have ever seen. The trees looked like cinnamon sticks with their peppermint leaves. The ginger bread houses with fairy floss puffs of smoke. I was in a world of wonder. All my farm animals were still asleep with the frogs singing a lullaby in the nearby pond. My life was all going well until the night I thought I was brave enough to go into the forest alone.


I guess I should introduce myself before rambling off. I'm Amy Blues. I live here in the middle of nowhere with all of my farm animals. I've lived here my whole life and haven't seen any other person or place, other than my parents (who left me here) and my home sweet home. It is so peaceful where I live but there is this myth that at night,in the forest a weird but also wonderful thing happens. No one knows for sure what happens because everyone is inside away from what ever this 'thing' is. So that is why I decided to go out, by myself, into the dark breeze night to once-and-for-all find out if this 'thing' was real.

A/N~•~ hope you guys like it. Yes it is a little short but I'm not really an expert at these things, so yeah. Do your thing guys vote, comment whatever!!

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