Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!

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John was packing up everything while I was thinking about what he said to me.


"Wait what?!"

"Didn't you know you fell right out of the sky, Oh well you'll get used to it." John said in a sigh.

"Wait, so this...this thing makes you fall out of the sky in random places, or are we stuck here for the rest of our lives?"

"Umm....yeah it makes you fall out of the sky in random places," John said sarcastically, "no it actually makes you go to places that will teach a lesson or show you what it is really like."

"Oh so I'm here for a reason, not to be tortured or something?" I was finally starting to get it, but why me?!

"Well actually you sometimes get a scare when something you don't know or dn't like jumps out at you, hahahaha!"


"Hey you coming up here, you'll get eaten alive down there!" John's voice was very serious so I got up and climbed into the hollow tree that was going to be our hideout for the night. Once inside, John roled a great big, rusty-looking stone infront of the 'doorway'. It was very squishy inside. The cooking table and 'stove place' (which was actually a fire) was on the 'ground level' of the hideout. The next 'level' was the beds, that were like the one I was on earlier, and the one above was all our bags and food shelves. "So why do we have to 'hideout' here at night?" I asked not quite sure of the danger outside.

"Because, if you listen very carefully you will here what we are hiding from, and trust me we should be glad we have this hideout!" John was showing signs of being totally and uterly petrified. I stopped what I was doing and sat still. That's when I heard it the low grumble of a bear. My ears pick up when I heard another growl but not of a bear, it was a........a TIGER!! "Umm...John are we surrounded by blood thirsty animals?" I was freaking out, Lord why me.

"Yep pretty much, don't worry we will be fine as long as we stay inside the hideout." I could tell John was trying to be brave for me. Well at the moment it didn't fell like I was in a hideout, it felt like I was in a feeding tank! "John get me out of here, out of this NOW!!" I was pretty much peeing my pants just thinking about getting eaten.

"I can't, even if I tried." John was probablly peeing his pants to.

"John please....please do something, I'm going to hyperventilate....wait no I am hyperventilating. Please John. Please help.." I was cut off when the world started to spin. I relised that the 'Thing' was moving me again. I looked at the swirling image of John and it looked like he was having the same problems as me. Then the world sank into darkness again.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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