Chapter 32

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"I could kill you for this." Alice snarls as she rests her foot upon the changing room benches, taking a hold of her laces and tying them tightly. She wasn't going to risk falling flat on her face in front of Penelope.

Her raven haired counterpart sighed in annoyance, lifting her head up from tying her shoe to turn to Alice. "Would you stop whining? We haven't even started yet." She begs.

Alice places her foot back onto the ground and stands, jutting out her hip as she lays eyes upon Hermione, her face straight laced and unimpressed. "Yes Mom." She says sarcastically before walking out to the hall, Hermione following shortly behind her.

The atmosphere throughout the schools gymnasium where the potential Vixens and already existing ones were placed, was anything but, so to speak, cheery, as they walked along the sides, finding a free spot in the mat for waiting, watching the other Vixens perform their hearts out with the hopes of making the team, which was proving difficult with Penelope's harsh standards and criticisms.

"Taylor, just because your Mother makes a living dancing on a pole doesn't mean you should follow in her footsteps. More dance moves, less gyrating." The red head spits out.

Hermione gasps, bringing her hand to her mouth upon hearing what the redhead had just said.

"Next!" Penelope yells.

There were no other girls in front of them, their time had finally come. They lock eyes together nervously before standing on their feet and walking out in front of the Vixen Captains.

Out of the corner of her eye, Alice noticed Penelope narrowing her eyes towards she and Hermione as they walk out, she believes she catches a smirk from her too.

Leaning her head into Hermione's ear, she begins to snarl. "Do you see the looks she's giving us?" Alice asks gesturing towards the redhead. "Someone should smack that smug smile off her acne ridden foundation smothered face."

Refusing to take her eyes and smile off the three threatening Vixens, Hermione bares her teeth. "Just, ignore her." She whispers before standing in place.

Laughing embarrassingly, Penelope places her pen down on her clip board in front of her and clasps her hands together. "You have got to be kidding me right now. Am I seeing this?" She points towards them.

"Shut it Penelope." Gina pleads leaning into her ear.

She gathers herself together and clears her throat on Gina's demand, slowly suppressing her laughter, straightening her back and re-presenting herself in a more professional manor.

"Alice. Hermione." She speaks as her eyes gleam with smugness. She flicks the corners of her lips into a smirk and crosses her leg over the other, bringing her folded arms to her chest.

"Why do you both, want to join the River Vixens?" She questions, head tilting to the side

Alice shifts her eyes into Hermione's direction immediately, resting her hand on her hip. "Think you should answer that."

Hermione smiles awkwardly, bringing her hands together and baring her teeth, a coping mechanism for when she was nervous. She clears her throat and tosses her hair to the side.

"Well, it's my first time at a public school, that provides these types of extra curricular activities, not to mention it would be my last chance too, seeing I'm a senior. So I just wanted to have some fun and experience something like this with my bestie." Hermione explains cheerfully before grabbing a hold of Alice's hand

She smiles softly at Hermione and accepts it before bringing their clasped hands to her lips and kissing them.

Penelope stiffens her lips as she brings her pen back to her clipboard, preparing to write away. "Well go on. Show us what you've got."

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