prologue (please read!)

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a/n: get ready for a bit of a hefty prologue also btw please read in order for the story to make sense!!

20 years before our lovely favorite heroes in training were born, and 15 years before almight arrived in Japan, there was a massive villain outbreak, which caused a major change in Japanese society, basically splitting Japan in half. one side seeing just like America, people speaking mostly English, eating American food, and even driving on the American side of the street. whilst the other half remained untouched. still, people spoke Japanese, ate traditional Japanese food, and got around with mostly public transit. however, most of the Japanese side wasn't very rich. unlike the hustle and bustle of the American side, which we can call tanmaka side (for the sake of the story, although it is almost never mentioned) and the Japanese half remained Shikoku and Kyushu. this outbreak resulted not only in the split but the death of another ''giftable quirk'' the one for all 2.0. this quirk was not made of forced quirk removal, it was an all-natural genetic, that gave the one and only successor to have unlimited access to every single quirk in existence. no need to copy or extract the ability from someone or having a time limit with each quirk, like more common variations of the quirk such as monoma's copy for a certain amount of time quirk. no, this quirk was like a photo album if you will, you have all the photos or quirks, but you only can truly focus on one at a time. or in the user's case, they have all the quirks at there access, but can only focus on one at a time, unless it is a quirk and changes something permanently.

so, after the discovery of this quirk, the government fought for 20 years over what should be done with this incredibly strong quirk. of course, keeping the whole thing from the world. after one very strong argument, 5 years after all our favorite 1-A heroes were born it would be deiced that the quirk would be giving to a proper successor, who would be placed under quirk supervision and mind control to make the successor become a hero, rather than letting the quirks evil origin take over. so the government promptly started a search for the perfect successor. it only toom three moths form them to find amai kana. a young girl from Kyushu, processing a very strong and capable water quirk. she was already in hero training and skilled in many aspects, to name a few, gymnastics, martial arts, maths, critical thinking, and most impressively, she was only 5, excelling in many different subjects. her drive to be a hero was unlike anything almight had seen from the many kids he had met and evaluated for the procession. they knew as soon as the saw the young girl in action, that this was their person. so, they told the family, who was devastated, that their child would be given a quirk of a villain, and disowned her on the spot, not even listening to the government's pleas to convince the parents ti wasn't as bad as they thought, but they refused saying "if my daughter has the quirk of a villain, she is no daughter of mine," right before giving full custody of the child to the government. it was clear to tell that the family only loved this child for her quirk and the government held the child in an orphanage in tanmaka district.

this is where things get interesting. after the child was found, scientists labored of the quirk DNA, for 6 months, until it was finally changed into a safe injection. the girl had her first dose of the quirk, and was immediately was put under quirk supervision and mind control. they government called upon almight and number tow hero endeavor to train the child in quirk use and hero ethic. the training was successful but almight and endeavor started to notice...strange behavior from the young girl. in the first week, she was caught in the boy's bathroom, would only play with boy's toys, and wouldn't answer to her name, insisting she was Ashten. so, almight went with it and respected the child's wishes to be called Ashten and to his surprise be refried to with they/them pronouns, summing it was a phase, endeavor went with it as well, and training continued.

eventually, the orphanage was filling up, and endeavor deiced to take in the child as the child only could speak Japanese, and Japanese was the most common language spoken in the todoroki household because it was all rei spoke. so this is where todoroki and Ashten met and became inseparable in minutes. holding hands at every possible moment, and refusing to sleep unless in the very least the same room, it was a common sight in the todoroki household to see Ashten and Shoto snuggling in either one of the pairs beds when morning rolled around. Ashten lived in the todoroki's residence for 5 years, until rei's mental break down, which is the government noticed the family was unstable, assuming it was the mother's fault although it was all endeavor. the mother was removed and Ashten was swiftly taken from the household. shoto's last memory of Ashten was Ashten kicking and screaming in the authorities grip, whilst shoto sat there on the floor, defeated, watching as all he loved was taken away. todoroki, was devastated over ashten's disappearance, dwelling on it every day, until, he was Ashten on tv, they were only gone for 3 months at that time, and Ashten was only ten years old, but much to the world surprise, was already a pro hero, which todoroki was happy about, but also so worried for their safety. as the year drug by, todoroki forgot about Ashten, as his dad's abuse took a turn for the worst. except for the occasional viewing on tv, but he didn't even know it was Ashten, because as the years went on, Ashten had used body changing quirks to better represent their identity, which the specialist doctors Ashten had said was not confirmed to have anything to do with the quirks injections, except for maybe the fact that the previous successor was male and it would be impossible to remove the possible testosterone found in the quirk injection, as they were basically injection a humans DNA into another human. during this time, Ashten's wealth and fame grew quickly. and many were very interested in the teen's abilities and hero work. so much, they traveled all over the world, working with all kinds of company's and brands, whilst still under mind control and supervision. and, due to all of the success and fame Ashten had gained, at the age of thirteen, Ashten was taken off of quirk supervision and mind control for the first time with the all for one in them, only for a short amount of time of course, and after off and on of the mind control and supervision for 2 years, Ashten was deemed ready to get to normal life. as soon as UA heard this, Ashten had an immediate spot in class 1-A. 

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