chapter 1// Ashten's and todoroki's reunion / first half of class 1.

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disclaimer: all Japanese in the story if from google translate, so I have no idea if it's actually correct. it's more for detail/effect. 

Todoroki pov.

I sighed leaning back in my chair in the back of the classroom. My eyes closed, just listening to what people were saying around the classroom.

"Jeez, I'm popped," I heard Uraraka say to deku "I almost missed the bus and choked on my breakfast from eating to fast!"

Deku chuckled and said, "pretty soon the dorms will be done and the bus thing won't be such a problem."

Getting bored of there conversation I listened to what kirishima was saying to bakugou in the front of the classroom.

After a moment of listening, I was very much confused, and needed context to the situation, I opened my eyes and looked at the front of the room, to see bakugou and Kirishima arm wrestling. I watched confused. It looked like a quirkless battle, due to the fact kirishima was very mcuh struggling. I watched kirishima struggling for a few seconds, until out of nowhere kirishima popped over the table, and pressed his lips on Bakugou's cheek. Bakugou flichned and pulled back, a very confused and fuletred look on bakugous features. Kirishima took the chance and won the match. Sitting back in his seat. Bakugou and kirishima just stared at reach other for quite a while, hands still together, Bakugou's arm still pressed to the table, that is until suddenly Ilda glanced at the clock, before jumping up and quickly moving to the front of the class. This caught the attention of the class.

Ida took his place, then said "class 1-A please take you seats." most of the class, just silently made their way to their seats, safe for the few people who were actually keeping track of time, who still walked to their seats, only with a slight frown.

"But Ida! We still have ten minutes." Said kirishima walking over to his seat.

"no, no not today!" said Ida.

Everyone looked at Ida confused.

"Don't you know?" asked Ida looking over the confused class "we are getting a new student!"

The class exploded in chatter.

"Are they one of those class 1-b idiots?"

"Is that why Mintea isn't here?"

"Are they a transfer?"

"Are they a request?"

"What is their quirk?"

"Are they nice?"

"Please calm down students and get into your seats! I'm sure your questions will be answered soon! Please be quiet so we can leave a good impression!"

"They are probably some weakling extra." said bakugou, sitting back in his seat. "Be nice bakugou!" yelled someone from the back of the class, earning a glare from him. Ida took his seat soon after, whilst some workers (Idk what else to call them) came by and took out my desk, momo's desk, and Mintea's desk. They replcaed momo's and my desk, with a conjonied desk. confused, me and momo glanced at each other, then one of the staff said, "Yazarozo?" her head shot up "yes?" she said. The staff member smiled and said, "you will be moved here." he set down her old desk and seat right were Mineta's was. She nodded confused, then moved her stuff, ver to her new spot. I looked at the empty seat next to me. Who was gonna sit there, I thought, but, before I could ponder the thought longer, Aizawa stepped in the classroom. He walked up to his desk, looking over the eager students. He cleared his throat and said "good morning class 1-A."

"Good morning Mister Aizawa," the class echoed. He nodded, then said " as you probably already know, we are getting a new student." he looked over the class as they nodded quietly. Some students whispering to one another. I sat there, at my now, very large conjoined desk, getting a little nervous. Whoever the new student is, they are definitely assumed to be a partner of mine, I sighed, then brought my attention back to Aizawa, as he said, "I would like to mention, our new student, doesn't speak English." at that, sounds of shock rippled through the class. "That's why they have a conjoined desk with todoroki, as he speaks their language." the whole class turned to look at me. Now I was really panicking. Not only did Aizawa expected me to help them to sit at the same table as me, but he also wants me to speak the same language as them, that wasn't English.... I was freaking out.

A New Hero in Class 1-A  *SLOW UPDATES*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora