Chapter 5

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It was around 9:15pm and we were in out hotel room with two other girls, Devan and Aimee.

"So you and Rocky..." I trailed off.

"Oh stop it. I barely talked to him."

"I saw you wink and I can tell when you're flirting," I said.

"I just winked that's it," Melissa said with a smile.

"But you think he's cute."

"You think Riker's cute."

"I'll admit to that unlike you."

"Argh! So what if I think he's cute. It's not like I can date him anyway and it's not like he would like me anyway. I'm too goofy and annoying," she said crossing her arms.

"I think you mean witty and funny. Wait, why wouldn't you guys be able to date?"

"For the obvious reason. He's on a different team. He can be a spy for all I know or he could try and distract me. Same reason you wouldn't be able to date Riker."

"Pfff who said I wanted to date Riker?"

"C'mon. I saw the way you blushed when he talked to you and when he asked for your number. He totally likes you but it sucks that you guys are on opposing teams," she finished.

"Oh! And I also saw you staring at him when he was on stage."

"I wasn't staring-"

"You had your mouth open, you were basically drooling."

"But either way, I can't date him..."

"I know," Melissa said with a sigh. "But it's for the good of the team." I nodded and she climbed in her bed. "You better get some sleep. Rehearsal starts tomorrow. Goodnight," She said as she turned off her lamp.

"Night," I said as I turned off mine. A few minutes later I heard Melissa whisper my name.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Promise me that if I can't date Rocky, you can't date Riker."

"I promise."


The next day we woke up at 7:00am to be at the studio at 8:00. There was no more bus so we had to walk, take a public bus, or a cab. Our rehearsals were at a YMCA that was near by so Damian, Melissa, and I decided to walk.

"I'm tired!" Melissa groaned as she took a seat on the pavement.

"C'mon," Damian said leaning down. Melissa smiled and got on his back. He gave her a piggy back for the next 2 blocks. He put her down when we got inside.

The rehearsal lasted for only about 2 hours since we were mostly discussing what we were going to do. Basically there's different categories. For example, for the ballet category all of the teams will perform a ballet piece and who ever has the best one gets the most points. There's about 4 that I remember but I'm not gonna go through all of them. Afterwards we went to a yogurt land near by.

"I didn't know they have these in LA too!" Melissa said with excitement. We went inside and saw there were other people from different teams and a few from our own. I grabbed a medium tub and went to get tart flavor. I saw Ross getting chocolate next to it.

"Oh. Hi Zaida!" He said when he saw me.

"Hey Ross," I said with a smile.

"Hi Zaida," Rydel said giving me a hug.

"So where are you guys practicing?" I asked.

"Our studio. We're from LA remember." I laughed and nodded. I couldn't help but ask.

"Um, where's Riker?" She laughed and motioned to the door just as he walked in the door.

"Oh. My. God," I whispered. He was sweaty I'm guessing from practice and was wearing a black tank top that hugged his body and showed off all his muscles. To top it all off he was wearing shades.

And here I was with pink sweat pants that went a little below my knee with a grey crop top that fell from one of my shoulders. Even better, my hair was in a messy bun. (Note the sarcasm) I stared at him for a while until I realized my tub was over flowing. Rydel laughed and handed me a napkin. I cleaned it up and went to get toppings.

Ugh way to make an idiot out of yourself, Zaida I mentally scolded myself.

I took a seat with Damian and Melissa.

"Did you see him?" I whispered to them. I kinda just assumed they knew who I was talking about.

"Yes we saw him," Melissa replied.

"Wait, saw who?" Damian asked. Oh yeah I haven't told him.

"Well, Zaida has a crush on Riker from The Rage Crew," Melissa said to him. Damian looked over to him and then back at me.

He nodded,"I can see it. Oh and look he's all alone." I turned around and saw that he was sitting by himself eating his chocolate flavored frozen yogurt.

Before I knew it, I was being dragged out of my chair, frozen yogurt in hand.

"Get some!" Damian yelled as he pushed me towards Riker. I'm so gonna get him back for that. Riker looked up and smiled.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi. You looked like you needed company," I said as I took a seat infront of him.


Zaida came over and sat down with me after her friend noticeably pushed her to my table.

"How was your rehearsal?" I asked.

"Ugh. Tiring," she said as she tried to blow a piece of hair out of her face.

"Here let me just," I tucked the strand of hair behind her ear. I saw her blush and I smiled.

"Thanks. How was your rehearsal?" She asked eating her yogurt.

"Good. We didn't really do much though."


"So, don't tell your friend I told you this but my brother Rocky has a crush on her. Her name's Melissa right?"


"Yeah." I couldn't help but bring it up. I had to know what he thought. "It's too bad they can't be together, being on different teams and all." I glanced up at him but he just stared at is spoon.

"Yeah. That sucks for them," he said before clearing his throat.

"Hey guys! So I have great news!" Rydel said. "I convinced Ms. Lee, our company owner, to let you guys use our studio tomorrow because it's gonna be they said up to 103 degrees. That way you guys can take showers in our locker rooms."

"Wow thanks but doesn't the YMCA have showers too?"

"Only for swimming. Oh and you and your two other friends can come in Riker's car with us right?" She looked over to Riker and he nodded.

"Would we all fit?"

"Oh yeah. Ross, Rocky, and Ryland go with another friend of theirs so it's just the five of us. We'll pick you up at your hotel at around 7:30," she said with a smile before she left.

"Looks like we're car pooling! I'll go let Damian and Melissa know. Bye Riker!" I hopped off my seat and told them everything.

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