Part nineteen

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(Brads point of view)
I wake up quite early and decide to just get out of bed when I head downstairs I see Y/n fast asleep with a small blanket around her she looks freezing in only a bralette and a pair of pyjama shorts I instantly feel guilty for making her sleep down here alone so I head to the kitchen and make both of us a cup of tea. Once in done I carefully carry the mugs to the living room I sit them down as I place myself on the sofa next to Y/ns sleeping head. As she peacefully sleeps I run my fingers through her hair which makes her groan as she wakes up so I stop but her small hand finds my wrist and lifts it back to her head
"Keep going" She says with a hot raspy morning voice which i could get used to
"Morning sleeping beauty" I say to her as I start to play with her hair
"Morning" she groans
"I made you tea" I say which makes her sleepily sit up which makes the blanket slide down her body which allows me to see her toned thin figure which I live dearly, I hope she hasn't noticed me staring so I avoid it by reaching over to the table and pass her the mug of tea
"Thank you" She says with a cute smile which warms my heart. Suddenly the door is opened as a very rough looking Tris walks in which makes Y/n laugh at the state of him
"You don't look good" I say laughing
"I don't feel good" tris replies as he sits down on the sofa on the other side of Y/n
"Do you want something to eat?" Y/n asks Tris seeing the state he's in he won't be able to do anything for himself
"Yes please" tris says so Y/n stands up
"Do you want me to help?" I ask her
"If you want to" She says as she walks out of the room and I can't help but stare at her perfect body which is very easy considering the little clothes she's got on
"Stop checking her out and make me food" tris says
"How can I not check her out?" I ask
"I get it she's hot but I'm dying over here" tris groans bit of an over exaggeration there and I don't appreciate him calling her hot but she is so ill let him away with it. I walk into the kitchen to see her with her back facing me as She washes her hands so I walk behind her and slide my arms around her freezing cold small waist and lean my head on her shoulder
"What are we making?" I ask
"Don't know what do you think?" She asks me
"I think pancakes" I say as I splash her with the water
"No brad!" She squeals as I keep throwing water at her which results in her being absolutely soaking
"Wait there I'll get you a hoodie" I say as I run upstairs and grab my stussy hoodie for her, when I go downstairs I notice how wet she actually is, her hair is all damp, her pyjama shorts are now dark grey unlike earlier when they were light grey and her body is all covered in droplets which look really hot. I pass her the hoodie which she thanks me for and then runs up the stairs obviously to peel the wet clothes from her skin. While she's upstairs I mop the floor and dry the counter, Shortly after she comes back down now more dry with only my hoodie on which makes her look great and extremely cute she's practically downing in the hoodie as it goes down to her knees. And suddenly...

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