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Hey, everyone!

I just wanted to take a minute and clearly address how the rest of the book is going to play out, update-wise. You all already know that I tend to take longer to publish new chapters, and there are several reasons for that:

1) There's a great deal of thought and hard work that gets put into each chapter. I spend a lot of time brainstorming, outlining, and writing up several drafts of each individual chapter. I refuse to publish an unfinished, unpolished chapter just to meet a deadline I've set in my head. I've done that in the past, and I ultimately regretted it. Every time.

2) I do have other priorities at the moment. For example, I just moved and started a new job, so that takes up a lot of my time. Fanfiction is a hobby that of course I love doing, but sometimes it needs to be put on the backburner. There's no helping that.

This story is an incredibly fun hobby, but it is just that: a hobby. I'm not gonna lie, sometimes it becomes super frustrating that I put all this time and effort into a story that I cannot ever truly publish. And that's not me complaining about not being able to get paid for fanfiction. I wouldn't expect to because this isn't my world or my characters (most of them). However, what I am saying is that I really need to focus on my original fiction from now on. I don't want to only be known as a good fanfiction writer. That has never been my goal, but I find myself straying further and further from that goal with each day I spend writing fanfiction.

Now, I'm not ending this story. I want to make that very, very clear. I love the characters too much, and I've put in way too much work to call it quits now. I do, however, want to state very clearly that updates will be very slow as we move forward. For people that have been following me for a while, this isn't a crazy change, but for new readers, it's important. I don't want any of you getting frustrated because I don't update every week like other writers. I want you all to know exactly what to expect from me. If that's something you don't think you can handle, then maybe I'm not the writer for you. Like I said before, this is just a hobby, and I need to start working towards my future.


As of right now, this story is on an indefinite hiatus. I've tried multiple times to revisit this story, but the Game of Thrones series finale completely took the wind out of my sails. Since then, I have had a hard time writing about this setting and the characters without feeling bitter and angry about how it all ended. It's really hard to write fanfiction when you're no longer a fan of the original work. 

I'm sure this is disappointing news for a lot of people. Heck, it's disappointing for me too, but my heart just isn't in it anymore. I never thought I would say that, but here we are. I'm still secretly holding out hope that GRRM will finish the series and give it a proper ending. Until then, I honestly don't know what's going to happen with this story. 

Thanks for reading, guys. I really appreciate it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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