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hey guys, i want apologize if it sucks but this is my first fanfiction about this couple. I also wanted to apologize for any grammatical errors but English isn't my main language.

enjoy the reading.


I was in the cockpit alone, I loved being alone in the cabin and admiring the beautiful scenery, but it would have been nicer if he were here.

10 minutes passed and someone entered the cabin, I was about to turn around to figure out who he was but as soon as I smelled his perfume I immediately recognized him. It was Phil, he put a hand on my shoulder

Phil: hey, how are you?

May: as usual, you?

Phil: nothing new

Phil sat in the seat next to mine and we were silent, but not one of those embarrassing silences, a pleasant silence. I had my hand on one of the controls, when I looked up to see ahead of me I felt a hand intertwined with mine, out of the corner of my eye I saw our hands intertwined, then I looked up and saw Phil looking ahead with a beautiful smile. I decided not to move my hand, in fact I interlaced my fingers better and clasped his hand more, I noticed his beautiful smile widening even more and a small smile was also born on my face.

We spent several minutes in that wonderful silence, with our hands intertwined, but after a while we heard Daisy call us through the headset

Daisy: guys come here we have a mission

Phil: here we come

Phil got up from the seat without letting go of my hand, put the autopilot on and got up with my hand intertwined with his. We were walking hand in hand, I was more behind than he was, we were about to enter the room where the others were when Phil turned around without telling me and I hit his chest. I looked up and stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, I was about to move when Phil put his hands on my hips, I looked up again and we looked into each other's eyes for another few seconds, Phil bowed his head and left me a sweet kiss at the corner of my mouth before slowly detaching from me and entering the room with the others. I entered almost immediately after him with a slight smile on my face, Phil noticed because he smiled as he saw me enter. But someone else noticed it too

Daisy: okay...what happened between you two?

May: nothing, what makes you think something happened?

Daisy: the fact that you're smiling and the looks you've been throwing up to a second ago

she replied in an almost obvious tone, Phil laughed lightly and I lowered my gaze a little and smiled

Daisy: returning to the mission, Ian Quinn was spotted not far from here, he will attend an auction in a luxury hotel tonight

Phil: undercover mission, all right, I'll go with May

Phil said looking at me and smiling as he lefts the room

Daisy: all right

Daisy said looking at me with a strange smile on her face, I laughed and left the room, I went to my "room", I changed and put my usual clothes to train. I was punching the bag when I heard footsteps and two hands resting on my waist, a shiver ran down my spine, I immediately knew who it was, it was him.

Phil: Do we train together?

He whispered in my ear, I shook my head up and down and he turned away from me and stood in the middle of the gym with his fists up ready to fight, I went over and let out my breath that I didn't realize I was holding back .

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