Rosalind Price

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I was finally willing to tell Phil what I felt for him. I was pacing back and forth in the corridor that led to Phil's office because I was very nervous because of the questions I was asking myself in my head for example "what if it doesn't is reciprocate?", "And if when I tell him that I'm in love with him, he will  laugh at me? "or" and if he tells me that for him I am only his best friend? ". After a while I took courage and knocked on the door, waited for a while for the answer but when it was late arriving I decided to enter, opened the door and said

May: hey Phi- Oh my God, I'm sorry for interrupting you

After completing my sentence I immediately left the office and closed the door, I had just seen Phil kissing with another woman, I was shocked, a tear slid down my cheek and I did not delay to dry it. I saw Daisy approach the door but I stopped her, I didn't want her to see that disgusting scene too

May: Daisy stopped, Phil is busy

I said in a broken voice, Daisy noticed it so she took me to my room and hugged me, I was hesitant at first, I hated this kind of physical contact but at that moment I needed it and for this I tightened my grip around her back. A couple of minutes passed and Daisy slowly pulled away from me

Daisy: would you like to tell me what happened?

May: nothing special

I said wiping a tear

Daisy: so the fact that Phil was kissing Rosalind has nothing to do with it

May: how do you know they were kissing?

Daisy: from security cameras

May: who is Rosalind?

Daisy: is the head of the ATCU, they are collaborating with us to find the inhuman

May: and not only

I said referring to what was most likely happening now in the office

Daisy: are you okay?

she asked me in a sweet tone

May: I'm fine, why should I feel bad?

I lie, at the moment I saw that scene, my heart broke into so many small pieces

Daisy: because you just saw the man you love kissing another woman

May: we are simply best friends

I said with a hint of disappointment in my voice

Daisy: yes, but you feel something more for him right?

May: is it so obvious?

I said as a bitter laugh came out of my mouth

Daisy: enough

Daisy said laughing

Daisy: but I'm almost sure that he feels something for you too

May: yes, in fact she was kissing another woman. But basically why should he love me? I've only been around him for over 20 years, I just covered his back and saved his ass multiple times. Why should he love me? Why would anyone love me?

As I said the last sentence a couple of tears ran down my cheeks and Daisy hugged me again, I began to sob in her arms

Daisy: May, the real question is "why shouldn't someone love you?" You are spectacular, beautiful, agile and even witty, sometimes you are an apathetic fucking bitch but you are perfect as you are and if Coulson does not understand he is a real idiot

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