The Amulet of Rasputin

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On the Isle of the Lost In Rasputin's home Raakel was secretly trying to sneak out. He has been doing nothing but physically and emotionally beating and abusing Raakel her whole life. She just turned eighteen today and she had enough. Plus she saw from her window that the barrier was finally down. But as she turned a corner she felt a knife go Into the left side of her stomach. She fell to the floor In pain. Soon someone had a hard grip on her right arm. That person pulled her to her feet hard. It was Rasputin.

Rasputin: Stupid little bitch

He threw her hard against the wall making her cry out In pain and clutch her wound. But as Rasputin came towards her she did something she didn't know she could do. But Instinct took over and with a wave of her right arm Rasputin went flying and hit the wall getting knocked out. She took advantage of him being out and booked It out of there. As she ran as fast as she could with her stomach wound no one noticed her. She tripped and ended up rolling down some stairs and Into a building. Man was she In pain already and that really hurt. Dr. Facilier saw the girl on the stairs to the front door after he heard the noise. The girl had long black, white skin, brown eyes, and was wearing a long short sleeved light green dress. He could tell she was eighteen.

Dr. Facilier: Miss I am closed, get out!(Walked over to her)

He noticed the bruises and small cuts all over her arms and neck and the stab wound.

Raakel: No, please don't make me leave. Please help me(Crying)

Dr. Facilier: Okay, come on(Held out his hand)

She hesitated

Dr. Facilier: It's okay, everything's going to be okay.

She slowly took his hand she cried out In pain as he helped her to her feet. He gave her his bed as he helped her heal. He slept on the couch Instead. And that night after Celia came home after hanging out with friends she found her dad sleeping on the couch.

Celia: Rough day dad?

Dr. Facilier: Not because of business. A young girl came here earlier with bruises, small cuts, and a stab wound. Her father Is the one that did It. He's been doing It her whole life. Her father Is the sorcerer Rasputin. Well, not anymore. Little Rascal go meet your new sister. See If she needs anything.(Sat up)

Celia: Yes daddy

Celia went to check on her new sister. Meanwhile In Auradon In Ben's room he, Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie were talking and hanging out. King Adam walked In.

Adam: Kids, I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you about something I am feeling really guilty about.

Ben: What Is It dad?

Adam: You kids heard of or met Queen Narissa?

Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie all answered "heard of" at the same time.

Adam: Narissa gave birth to a baby before she went to the Island. We sent both to the Isle at the same time. I'm curious If any of the Island kids said they were the child of Narissa? I also noticed Narissa Is nowhere In Auradon.

Evie: No, no children of Narissa

Carlos: We should ask all the Isle kids If they know the child of Narissa. Or at least know where he or she Is or heard of he or she.

Adam: Good Idea, you all can do that tomorrow.

In the morning at Dr. Facilier's Celia was ready to tell all her friends about her new sister.

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