Talking about you in is live [j.r]

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{guys we just got 16 reads, wow, I'm not publishing this until 30 though, so I'm just making this so I can publish straight away lol, anyways this story is about the adorable jack riyn}


"Hey guys!" Jack yelled as he waved at the camera, I smiled as I waved back, I was on holiday and I was missing him so bad, so. I decided to watch his live, he was with Alex (blesiv).

"I'm going to be answering your questions, so ask awayyy" he said laughing, I don't even know why I laughed to be honest, it wasn't even that funny, I just felt so away from him, I felt like anything was funny

"Okay first question, why do you do tiktok?" He said, Alex laughed from behind him, jack thought for a while before taking a sip of his juice box
"Well, it's fun, and I like dancing, and I like making people laugh" he said smiling, and his smile was so cute

"Answer this one, have you and y/n had sex yet?" Alex said, jack started blushing which made me blush, and if you're wondering the answer, yes. But only once, and it was really bad and uncomfortable so we don't like to talk about it
"Well, I'm not sure if y/n would like me to say anything so i shall not" he said laughing, at this moment he got sent like 6 drama queens and I felt so proud

"He's such a cute boyfriend"
"Y/n better treat him right"
"When do you want babies with her" jack read these all out laughing
"Thank you ya'll" he said, Alex put his hand on his shoulder
"Answer the last question" Alex said as he pointed at the last question, I couldn't see it on my screen so I was a little confused

"Oh, what would you do if y/n was pregnant" he said, he started blushing again, and this time even harder
"Id keep it with her, and I'd stay with her through it all, I'd be a bit distant from social media so I could spend more time with her and take care of her" he said smiling, i started smiling to and blushing, because he looked right into the camera which made me feel like he was staring at

"Why would you do this?"
"Normal guys would leave"
"Wouldn't you be scared?" Jack read these out again as he laughed
"Ya'll don't even understand how much I love this girl, she's so beautiful, even if she was carrying my kid, I would be there because I can't breathe without her, her not being here has been so hard, and-" jack started to tear up before covering his face, Alex quickly jumped over in front of the camera and started hugging him

I started crying as well, I never want to make a boy cry because of me
"Guys I'm not crying because I miss her, I'm crying because I feel so lucky to have her, she's so funny and pretty and nice to hold, like ya'll she can make the worst things funny and the saddest things happy, she's just everything to me and f I ever lost her, I don't know who I'd be" he said sniffing, Alex started clapping and started hugging jack tighter

I decided I would face time Alex so jack could still go live
"Hey y/n!!" He yelled, I laughed
"Can I speak to jack" I said in tears
"Baby, what are you crying" jack said scaredly
"Because I love you so much too, I feel the exact way, I'm going to ducking marry you babe, and I miss you so much, I want to hug you and kiss you and"

"I'll kiss you on your lips I swear you better stop playing with me" he said laughing, I started laughing to and so did Alex, jack put the FaceTime down and continued his live, but instead of talking to his live he was looking at me smiling, I kept laughing
"Babe look at your live" I yelled laughing, jack jumped before turning to the live


{whey heay, that's the last of it ily all so much❤️❤️ I wonder who's next?}

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