1. This Ripped, Smug Git

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As far as I was concerned, there's a few typical ways that someone's Friday night would generally pan out.

You could be at home, completing homework so you don't have to worry about it over the weekend. You could be watching re-runs of The Office. You might even be playing board games with your family or having a sleepover with your friends.

None of these options particularly appealed to me. Ideally, I'd be totally drunk off my face at some awful teenage party. It had been a tough week, and I was looking for an outlet.

Unfortunately, the only party I was attending tonight was an ass-kicking party. Not that I knew it yet.

I hopped off the bus at my stop. It was winter and for some reason I had forgotten to wear a jersey. I was only in a t-shirt and leggings, which didn't do much to stop the cold.

Goosebumps rose on my skin and I rubbed at my arms trying to keep warm. It was pretty ineffective, the chill still going right through to my bones.

I hurried my pace a bit, practically skipping down the sidewalk in an effort to get home to my heaters and my parents before curfew. I could almost picture it now. The warm air that would snatch me when I came inside, holding me tight like a soft blanket. I sighed and huffed out some air, smiling when I saw the white mist that came out of my mouth. Even though I hated the cold, I couldn't deny it did some pretty cool things. Like colouring my breath, and snow for example.

Absent-mindedly, I wondered whether it would snow tonight. I hoped so. I couldn't recall the last time I had woken up to see a decent covering on the ground.

There was a noise behind me, and I got the distinct impression I was being watched. I tried to shrug it off and just started walking a little faster.

The muscles on my back tightened. Something was wrong, but what? I wasn't sure. I strained to listen, the cold biting at my ears and making me have to resist the urge to cover them.

I wasn't particularly worried about being jumped. I mean, I didn't enjoy it per se, but I had a bit of pent up aggression I wanted to get rid of somehow. In the best, most understandable way so that innocent people weren't actually hurt.

I sensed his movement a little too late. I tried my best to slow the movement of the bat, but I could only do so well when I wasn't looking at what I was Controlling. The bat connected with the back of my head, a little less force than what was intended, I supposed.

That didn't mean it didn't hurt.

"Ouch! Watch it, motherfucker!" I shrieked, rubbing the back of my neck. I stomped my left heel on the ground again and again until I felt the little capsule burst in my shoe. Moments later, my suit dispersed over my clothing. Man, I was glad I wore leggings today. The suit wasn't nearly as efficient over jeans.

Once the transformation was finished – complete with mask positioned to hide my face – I turned around to face the group of men.

I bared my teeth and snarled at the man with the bat. Only moments before, he'd wacked me behind the head with it.


I was Controlling it, gripping the bat with the molecules in the air and swinging it around in a not-at-all controlled way. In fact, I was pretty relieved when I did a quick survey of the place and saw no witnesses. My lack of control was almost embarrassing.

"It's leviosa, not leviosa." I mumbled to myself.

I sighed. No matter how much this was the excuse I had been waiting for, for some reason, I was just a magnet for trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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