eight thirty am

4 1 0

today she walked past me

she looked at me

and i looked at her

and i knew

(because that little voice told me)

that i should probably say hello

but i didn't

and she walked away

and i kept looking at her

as she became smaller

and i thought to myself

that i was tired of seeing the people i know become smaller

and that if i had a dollar for every person i had shrunk

i should probably be a millionaire

and if the same went for every time the little voice told me 'next time'

i should be swimming in money

author's note

i wrote this in secondary school and if you deal with social anxiety you've probably experienced that thing where you avoid your friends and people you actually like or see someone you know and pretend like you didn't just so you don't have to experience social interaction. yeah, it be like that sometimes.

but i don't want this to be me just talking about my problems and possibly triggering people who may have the same struggles, so i will try to my best to give some advice that has helped me in each author's note.

if you deal with social anxiety, just remember: PEOPLE ARE JUST PEOPLE. everyone is a living, breathing human person going through shit like you are. no one is too big or too small to talk to and if you think youre going to embarrass yourself, who the hell cares? everyone you're scared of embarrassing yourself in front of, has been embarrassed several times in their lives JUST LIKE YOU.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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