Chapter 7: Zen Harpercynth

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Zen's POV

I went out of our classroom for a walk...

S-VEA (Sain Victorique Elizabeth Academy) is quite big...

You can stroll around the whole school if you feel bored...

Students who study in this school don't usually notice how big, beautiful and how well made this whole school is....

Maybe because no one takes time to look closely...

And everyone was busy chatting, doing home works and accompanying their friends...

I'm not a loner...

I also have friends...

It's just that sometimes I want to be alone for a moment; that's why I usually take a tour at old building of our school...

At the north part of the school there is a run-down building...

I heard that the student council's already planning to demolish it coz it has no use for them...

But to me this is my leisure place...

Whenever I'm here---

I feel like I own this place...

That no one will take time bother me here...

Students don't often goes here because of the ghost story about this old building...

That story have been roaming around the school even before I started attending..

But for as long as I can remember...

I've never notice, hear or see anything suspicious in this building except the paint that slowly falling off the wall and the dusty and rusty chairs on the corridor and the broken windows everywhere...

I was walking inside when I heard an unfamiliar voice---

What the hell is that?!

Wow! I really feel like I'm the owner of this place and I can fell that there an intruder inside my place...

I stroll around the building and found nothing...

Now, where is that voice coming from???

And so I decided to go to the rooftop...

And I've seen a girl---

Her hair was long black and curly was being blown by the wind...

She was standing at the edge part of the rooftop...

Her hands spreading conquering the strong wind...

Like she's about to fly---

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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