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    I wiped the blood off of the palm of my hands and smeared it on a hand towel that I had crammed into my duffle bag. I looked back on the lifeless body that laid by feet and grinned at my masterpiece. Her cheeks were rosier than before, and her eyes were sown open. Her hair was cut into a bob and her smile tickled one cheek to another. The red velvet dress suited her body type perfectly. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on. That slutty top that barely covered her breasts and her tiny booty shorts didn't fit her at all. I had turned a Los Vegas prostitute into a refined young lady. I lugged her body into the back of my car and started to clean her disgusting blood.

    As I was cleaning up the blood from the scene I heard multiple footsteps heading my way. Hastily I grabbed my bag, and cleaning supplies and jumped into a nearby corner. Two policemen and a woman came rushing. "I swear my friend Helen was right here!" she said.  That bitch also had a small tube top and a skirt that revealed too much. "You sure she was dragged here?" the policeman asked her. "Yes, I promise you!" The second policeman ogled her, and cockily stated, "How much do I need to pay to get a slice of that little miss?" he asked. The first policeman stared at him in a furrowed brow, "Jim, this isn't the time to be picking up girls." he reasonably said. He just ignored him and started to flirt with the prostitute. "Meet me at the donut shop after your done fucking," he said in a joking manner, and he left. The way that that man was acting to that young lady was unbelievable. I spared the first cop, but I needed to give them both what they deserved. 

    When the cop wasn't looking I slit his throat. The bitch started to make a racket and started to beg for forgiveness. She kept on squirming around and wouldn't stop. She kept on screaming hopelessly, and I cut her throat too. This cunt was loud and obnoxious, I am going to make her into a proper woman. I dragged her into the car with her other friend and started to undress her to switch her into a dress that would cover her. When I was done, it was past midnight. I needed to go home to finish my masterpieces. The bloodbath right outside of my car was too much of a mess for me to clean up on my own so I just gave up a clean murder scene and left for the best. 

    What I am doing is right, I am cleaning the world, so people like that cop can live in peace without sluts and bastards like them. This world is corrupt, so I will fix it.

Thx for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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