Chapter 1 - Hallways

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Lights flickered in the hallway and trashed littered the tiles floors. Lockers lined the walls and posters opposite them. Brighton seemed like any other normal high school on any other normal Friday. Naturally the students were whispering of their weekend plans and who was throwing the best Halloween party the next night; the usual.

It would only be fitting for our two characters to have the same home economics teacher during the last hour of the school day. Breanne Mayner sat in the front of the class, flipping the pages of her book as she read. She tried her best to hide it in her lap but it wasn't working very well. Mrs. Moss was standing at the front, explaining the newest cooking assignment. Breanne was simply bored so naturally she read.

Elliot Driven sat at the back of the room, scrolling through the pages of his book on his cell phone. He payed no attention to the middle aged woman at the front of the room. Her words went in one ear and out the other. All he could focus on was the action going on his latest novel. It wasn't his fault she had no since of excitement.

The teacher noticed the lack of participation in the classroom but she would simply not allow her students to fail this assignment. "Miss Mayner, Mr. Driven would you please put away your distractions and pay attention to my lesson. Otherwise you might just burn the school down." she said loudly.

Breanne closed her book set it atop her binder on her desk before slipping down in her seat. Elliot gave a salute like gesture and locked his phone before letting it fall to his lap where it stayed until the bell rung.

At the ringning of the bell Breanne was the first to jump from her seat and run from the classroom where as Elliot hurried after the crowd of students. Eager to get to their lockers the two pushed and shoved through the ocean of students. Elliot, unlike Breanne, threw his books in his locker and wrestled his skateboard from its metal holding. Breanne organized and her books and double checked that she had everything before running it to her car. Elliot ran from his locker to the door as well.

In all the commotion they didn't notice the other coming at them full speed until the collided and their things hit the floor and scattered across the tiles. The bodies met the cold, hard floor. Breanne let out a little squeel and Elliot a grunt of displeasure. He didn't exactly enjoy running into a random stranger on a day like this. He looked behind him to see his skateboard had rolling down the hall.

"Miss Mayner, Mr. Driven is there a particular reason that you big happen to be sprawled across the floor?" Mrs. Moss asked as she walked from her classroom.

"Uh, no ma'am. We... we, uh, ran into run another." Breanne explained.

"Well, see to it that it doesn't happen again. Leave." she responded harshley. Breanne nodded and hurried to gather her things. Quinn was probably waiting on her already.

Elliot ran for his board and dashed out of the school to meet his clique at the skate park. He should have been there already. God knows how upset they would be.

Little did the two teens know that this one interaction would lead to a lot more.

So sorry my dears. I had something down for this chapter and it got deleted. I didn't realize and I have been extremely busy. Please forgive me.

I love you more than music.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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