chapter 2

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The nurse pushed her into her new room

"this is Izzy, Izzy this is Isabella now I gotta go bye" the nurse said closing the door

"Jeez thanks for the fucking room hag" Isabella said throwing her suit case on her bed and looked at the girl

"Hi I'm Izzy but you can call me coco" the girl said with a big smile. She had long brown hair, with big brown eyes and tanish skin

Zella smiled back "Hey I'm Isabella but you can call me Zella nice to meet you coco" they shook hands and Zella sat down on her bed opening her suit case

"What are you in for?" Coco asked sitting on her bed

"Killed my neighbor than my hole family what about you" she put her clothes into the empty white dresser

"Nice that seems fun, Bombed my school and my house" she said.

Her thoughts were not loud they were pretty calm thankfully, Zella didn't really want a headake right now.

"Wow that sounds fun did you watch it"

"Yep there was a little children's park in the perfect spot where I could see my house and the school at the same time hella better than the movies" she explained

"How many people died" Zella said putting on her favorite black hoodie and laying down on the bed since she is done putting her clothes away and she doesn't have anything else except some anime stickers and her charger, ear buds, and phone that they surprisingly let her keep.

"Uuuuh well I killed all five of my family members and my school is pretty popular so maby about 783 or 859 I don't really know i didnt ask" she shrugged

"Well that seems cool, why did ya do it"

"The people were
asshole's and half my family was rapists so I just did it for karma I guess you could say" she shrugged again

"Ah the makes in my fam were rapist pig to so I get what you mean" Zella said

"Why did you do it"

"Well like I said the males in my family were rapists, neighbor was an asshole and a pervert, mom was a bitch who abused the shit out of me, every one in my family treated me like Cinderella and they were the Evil Step Mother and Step Sisters and like the grims brothers version did they had their lesson and the sisters got their eyes pecked out my birds and lost their toes because they wanted to fit that shoe, and I don't remember what happened to the mom but in my storey they all get killed with a broken beer bottle" Zella explained


"Do you like vines and memes?" Zella asked.

"Calling people daddy is gross" coco said

"Stop kink shaming me" Zella said trying to make a high voice but failed miserably

"Kink shaming is my kink"

"Ahhhh" Zella screamed making them both laugh "so I take that as a yes"

"Wouldn't you like to know weather boy" Coco said with a big smile

They both laughed

"It is Wednesday my dudez" Zella said

"Uuuuuuggggghhhhaaaaaahhhhhhh" they both made some weird screaming sound

"Hey wanna go meet the others?" Coco asked


Sorry for this really really short chapter hope you liked it even though it sucks...bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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