wAvVyY gAlL

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It was a beautiful day in Port shithole when I wavvy gal decides to go to her closest jack and Jill's store for xxxxsmall condoms for her strap on. While at jack and Jill's she meets a lovely young man named marshall dickson purchasing a strap on for his money friend. "Ooola la" the young man said. "Wanna make a baby in the 7/11 bathroom" the wavvy girl said while choking him with the chain around his neck. "Yess hunty wreck my ass" he said. After about 638 round of finger fucking each other at Kmart, the lovely couple decided to go to mIlLeRs and ordering a big hunk of meat. When they got there their wonderful waitress cHarLotTe sat them closest to where the seagulls take their 5 minute shits. After only 5 minutes of being there Marshall was as white as Michael Jackson after skin bleaching surgery. Wavvy girl was not impressed with her mAnz now Bc she only likes her mExIcan bOyis. Meanwhile the hunky chef boi jEffRey came to see if he can catch a seagull to serve in the salad. When Jeffrey saw Marshall he quaked and called their wonderful busser emwoo to take out the shit. Emwoo refused to take the mexican bOi out bc he was a stinky piece of shit. Wavvy gurl realized she was going out with a crackhead from the pit of portshithole and dumped his ass and started dating chef Jeffrey. Wavvy girl and Jeffrey left the dining room and went to the ice maker to use Jeffrey's new strap on. Marshall cried for a solid .5555555 seconds before asking emwoo to use his dildo on her which she replied with a welllll i don't associate with niggers, walking away. However Charlotte the waitress was standing in the corner all dolled up looking like a dirty hooker. Marshall had no choice but to get down on the floor like a dirty little whore with his one true love Charlotte. Cindy the other waitress was jelly of the amount of Mexican dick Charlotte was getting and used her 56 inch dick to slap Charlotte out of emeralds reach. Marshall was not happy with Cindy's actions and swallowed her up with his giant pussy hole. Charlotte was astound with the actions emerald pulled to save her from the dragon. Marshall swept her away in his shitty Prius and lived happily ever after in the men's stall in the 7/11 bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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