Introduction: Attitude

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I'm always laughing when I am at school it's like I don't stress about anything, I always tell myself to keep a happy face infront of people and not show how weak I am. At home it's a whole different story. I don't talk to anyone I only listen when they tell me what to do, with them it's different because they made me become that but with my friends they don't understand and they never will. I grew up in a four roomed house with 3 older sisters and 4 brothers with an absent father and a nonstop working mother. When I was young I never cared about what was happening around me but as I grew older I had to face the fact that I could only see my father for 2 days in six months. When he was home he would drink all the money he brought home for us and leave us with nothing to eat. My mother would sometimes go to where he lived to beg for money and leave us for weeks with nothing to eat, my sisters would make a plan and buy biscuit for us to eat with water. I grew and I saw how much my mother neglected me since my younger brother was born three years after I was born. I started isolating myself from my family after the accident. I was too young to understand and they never did a thing about it. Like they said "Ngwana a sa lleng o shwela tharing". I died that night and I also learnt a lesson that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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