day 8

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I woke up and everyone else in the house was awake. I checked my phone and it was 12:00 I had 3 miss calls from Colby, 12 messages and he tried to FaceTime me... I was so confused. I called Colby back.

Y/n-"hey bub what's up?"
C-"ummmm well the trap house kinda burnt down and well we have no where to stay"
Y/n- "omg are u guys all ok??"
C-" yes we are fine no one got hurt but we have no one where to stay..."
y/n-" you guys can stay here we have spare rooms "
C-" thank you babe we will be over soon "
Y/n- "love u bub"
C- "love you too"

Half an hour laters the door went so you ran downstairs to open the door and let them in. Jake stayed with Kayla-

Sam and kat stayed in the spare bedroom -

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Sam and kat stayed in the spare bedroom -

Devyn stayed in one of the other spare rooms -

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Devyn stayed in one of the other spare rooms -

Devyn stayed in one of the other spare rooms -

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Corey stayed in the attic room-

Corey stayed in the attic room-

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And Aaron stayed in the office.

Me and Colby went to my room and watched Netflix for a while and ate pizza.

I fell asleep on Colby chest after a while I was woken up by some weird noises coming from downstairs so I ran down whilst everyone was still asleep and found out the noise was coming from in the kitchen

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I fell asleep on Colby chest after a while I was woken up by some weird noises coming from downstairs so I ran down whilst everyone was still asleep and found out the noise was coming from in the kitchen. I walked slowly into the kitchen to find....

*sorry this chapters short I've been really busy*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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